Just finished reviewing my 2007 returns:
1. The active trading account: up 33.1%
2. The non-active trading account: up 28.8%
3. Chinese A-share account: up 108%
4. Retirement accounts: up 13.0%
In the active trading account, most money was made from selling option premium throughout the year, paying Fidelity nearly $10k in commission fee along the way.
In the non-trading account, I only hold 8 stocks, and most of the money was made from 3 stocks SNP, FXI and VIP.
In the A-share account, money was made from 华夏大盘精选, 510050 (50ETF),159901 (100ETF), 中信(600030),中石化(600028) and 招商银行(600036).
For the year, DJIA is up 9%, SP500 up 6%, NASDAQ up 10.73%.