The other day I went to the GP to get some medicine for a little problem. My nice GP was typing into the computer the description while asking me if I am trying to get pregnant. I said no immediately without any knowledge of where this question even came from.
Then it was explained. It turned out the medicine I am getting is only to be taken when you are not trying to get pregnant. And it will be only be a good time for pregnancy after half to one year the medicine is stopped.
Doubt cleared. Now I know why the doc asked the question. But still I was wondering why he was asking that question to me in the so natural way that it seems like an automatic programmed pop-up question—“Bing! When the patient is married and ages 30 plus, ask the question immediately!”
I was never against the baby thing. And I never will. I am a very mothering kind as each of my friends considers when they see me drooling on their little babies.
I love kids. I remember when I was little, like many other children at that time in that education system, you had to have an answer to the usual question: “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
As you can imagine, what would we know about the future? So most kids were given an choices of answers. Some wanted to be scientists to build up nuclear bombs, with no idea of if that was an toy name; some wanted to be doctors to save people’s lives; some wanted to be policemen to catch bad guys; some wanted to be street cleaners to serve people---those were the ones that got the teacher’s highest praise for their choosing the worst jobs to sacrifice to the majority.
Mine was to be a judge. I was 8 then. Later when I got to age 12, I was often putting up a little blackboard at home and bribed some play mates to sit pretending my students. Then I would do the teachers’ acts, writing down something on blackboard and lead them to read. More later, I did become a teacher in the university. But secretly in my bottom of heart, I always thought it would be so much fun to be a kindergarten teacher.
Friends never understood me and my weird ideal profession. They said I would go crazy in the third day at that kind of job.
I do not know if I can do it well. But I guess all that motion must com from my love to kids and my empathy towards the little and the weak.
I saw my friends with their lovely charming kids and I told myself I want more than one of those. cuties.
This must be on schedule now. Mum will be so happy. She actually suggested I had four and gave her one as a gift.
No matter how weird some thoughts might be, no matter how much expectation we will put on ourselves to do that, it still will be the ultimate joy to bring a little person to this world and to our life, won’t it?
We complete each other, and the baby completes us!