本文由 bigv616 在 2007-12-12 04:03 发表于: 倍可亲.美国 ( backchina.com )
秘鲁是一个有着悠久文化历史的国度,强大的印加帝国在14世纪几乎统治了大部分南美,他们留下很多精美的石头堆砌的遗迹,尤以Machu Picchu为盛,到了那里才有叹为观止的感觉,加上没有文字,更是抹上了神秘的面纱,大多的故事都是猜测,无从考证。本应走走Inca trail,但四天三夜的行程只好放弃,假期不够啊!
1.Lima Mayor Square
2. President residence
3. Andes Mountains
4. Uros--floating island in Titicaca lake
5. Native
6. local taxi
7. Andes Mountains, gound height=4300m
8. little girl with her Llama
9. guinea pig, yummy, yummy!
10. Wiracocha Temple in Raqchi
11. Qorikancha
12.Del Mar Square
13. Saqsaywaman
14. Pukapukara
15. 80 meters hight, 75 degree ladders to Mt. Putucusi
16. overview of Aguas Calientes town
17.Machu Piccu overview
18.Entrance to Machu Picchu
19.sun temple
20.three windows
21.farm sector
22.back side of Machu Picchu
23.Llama guarding Machu Picchu
24.Machu Picchu
25.Machu Picchu Pana view
26.Cusco Del Mar square at night
1.Lima Mayor Square
2. President residence
3. Andes Mountains
4. Uros--floating island in Titicaca lake
5. Native
6. local taxi
7. Andes Mountains, gound height=4300m
8. little girl with her Llama
9. guinea pig, yummy, yummy!
10. Wiracocha Temple in Raqchi
11. Qorikancha
12.Del Mar Square
13. Saqsaywaman
14. Pukapukara
15. 80 meters hight, 75 degree ladders to Mt. Putucusi
16. overview of Aguas Calientes town
17.Machu Piccu overview
18.Entrance to Machu Picchu
19.sun temple
20.three windows
21.farm sector
22.back side of Machu Picchu
23.Llama guarding Machu Picchu
24.Machu Picchu
25.Machu Picchu Pana view
26.Cusco Del Mar square at night