So, a year comes to the end, and a new one will be arising on the horizon just hours away. I sincerely wish you’d have a very happy, fulfilling and exciting year ahead.
Judging your smaller quantity of blogging pieces written this year, it seems to me that you have been undergoing some makeovers lately. For one thing, you have shunned away quite a bit from your trademark of “Daydreaming in the Sun Shine”, the signature style often shows your sentimental, ideal, opinionate and insecure facades without apology -. Nowadays, you are tilting towards mature, realistic, humorous and confident sides instead. I guess the transformation might result from the accumulative professional experiences and the elapse time of being grownup.
Put this aside, overall it has be a good year for you, I think. You may not be out of wood yet, but definitely it is closer. Hoping as you are continuing your journey of “metamorphosis” you’d still be able to maintain your uplifting spirits all the tine; no matter if they are your personal struggles in working place, or the highlights/reflections after or during your normal working days or your joys of being around with your parents.
Speaking of parents, your recent postings made me feel like a total jerk. You have spent lots of efforts and time to accommodate your parents since they arrived. On the contrary when my folks visited me in 2004, what I did most was to give them cash and ask them to buy anything they’d like. I did book some tours for them, putting them in most luxury hotels and showering them with lavish gifts. But, what I failed to do is that I did not devote much my time as they were here with me. As the matters of fact, I spent very little personal time with them because I was chasing a promotion which I’d want then badly; I was afraid that any absent time might reduce my chances to get it. Even though I told my parents about my dilemma, and they apparently understood my position I didn’t have the wit to set the priority straight at that time. I remembered that one evening as my parents and I were striding in Central Park after dinner I was busy talking with someone about work on my cell, I overheard my parents’ conversation about me. “I wish we had a girl” my mother said my father. “He is a boy and he is going to do whatever the nature designs him for. Don’t worry he’ll learn.” My father comforted my worried mother.
Looking back I feel sort of guilty. Funny things is that female and male children do approach parents differently as the caretaker, and we , men, might harness adequately to provide financial security; yet comparing to women , we may be poorly equipped sociologically to deal with complex emotional needs of our parents even we’d want to do a good job.
I think that it may be still not too late for me to learn, though. In Fact, I am about to go back home to spend some quality time with my folks in China in couple days. I’ve name my trip “Operation Redemption”.
Enjoy your parents stay and drink enough of Champagne this New Year eve.