People's Republic of China official - practical life, with People's Republic of China person - practical life contrast!
The event that returned to one's hometown: The eyeball of the net friend in the
whole country was attracted.
Chiangsu province Pe state city town district descends drizzle a little in the middle of the day on December 2, and in the weather, it is a little cold. The Tscasadokitscasadokiki teacher of the taxi pulls collar for a moment and slips in the car. ) and teacher ..(.. ..decrease.. say even on the way from state old town district to a new district of Pe without still freshly, and bearing memorizing for the thing of the generation before one month now.
It finishes participating, and it returns from Beijing to Pe state city in Ri ream ....considerable.. drinking.. gem of 17 on October 23. A related section was received on the way ..returned.., and was confronted ..this.. and a detailed report was done on the activity media that welcomed with the general public and were local. This ceremony and "It is ardently grand and solemn", "Crowd of large crowd of people", and "The scene can hardly be controlled", etc. are added, and it promptly makes known on words and phrases and the net essential, and coming Dai style wave is caused by one o'clock after the fact.
Thus, one Pe state city the locale gradually does the progress change on the activity, becomes the following, attracts eyeball by the net friend in the whole country, and is "Event where it returns to the hometown of the clerk of the committee of Pe state city (meeting). "My opinion and view are announced to a lot of net friends and these events that are, and the symptom not stopping still completely today.
The general public receives Rirentama.
Only the lamplight shakes hands with the general public clerk Lee ..none...
Clerk Lee waves toward the general public.
The nurse welcomes it in rows.
However, there are several 1000 people inviting the general public of Ri Rentama.
The scene is considerably spectacular.
The general public ardently welcomes it.
The elderly person of Shilshi of the example and 80 years old that supports military forces in the whole country presents Rirentama the persimmon of one basket.
Heat confers and moves up: He is caught in the ambition for recognition, and constructs Ments.
The journalist obviously reads sensitive of this controversy on the expression of the government official in the part of a local government.
It meets this.. moment reflecting at time just;City;It becomes and is busy with government official in Pe state municipal administration prefecture at time and all. the government of the third class in the prefecture alternativelyThe clerk of the committee in the city is all in clerk Lee and Pe state city for five years, and the achievement and everyone of him are ..".. clear as anyone can see. 1st place of Pe state city advertisement part and the news department still making Pe state city by starting not wanting leak family name forename's, the array of the employee, and saying, and passing the time limit of this labor by the time limit of the labor of state of Pe now shone and the light of the sun ..".. shone.
We are hoped only for all the controversies, and ..".. stop slowly all now. It influences whole of Pe state municipal administration prefecture .... perhaps then, it not is, and influencing clerk Lee perhaps completely image. An employee and revealing abbreviation here get exhausted and ..".. are said.
On the net and a certain person put out the note by "Political achievement that ten carpenter thing shines in Rirentama" for the title, matched the target again at this present, and are clerks of the committee in the city of "The cigarette is smoked to the amount and increase obviously" the other day of what. It talks about the departure chart of the invitation: "Pe state city of Ruuul" ..".. makes the sculpture and the clay figure because it constructed this;Myriad origin of 7,000 of cost, 'the Main Street of Rentama', and 518 meters of this are long, and the flower, the moral, and the future of the lotus it assists, it carves, and with 9,999 are infinities in white gem. This spouts, uses Rirentama, and is 'The first spouts' of a very proud whole country as for 1,008 of the myriad origin of 1,200 of cost and length meters and high 100 meters. "
The problem happens one after another without having solved the problem yet. This invitation and it creates rapidly again, and heat confers on the climax of Rirentama. A lot of the net friend and Rirentama "Ments is constructed thinking catching in the ambition for recognition. "On the other hand, the purpose of Pe state city advertisement part and one government official in the office is to exhibit these construction and Pe state city, and it thinks by should construction, and no excessive criticism of the hospitable investment climate either.
The controversy continues still now. its ugly figure..make..whole..carvings and sculptures..grand and notice..pull.The color of carvings and sculptures was discovered when this carvings and sculptures' becoming a journalist, and passing again, and it became dark yellow on December 6. It can be said that one local citizens teach to the journalist, the brush ends yellow paints, and this construction was completed.
The municipal administration prefecture and the place of historic interest
became parks. /Zhengzhou evening newspaper is requested.
The change that was about to overturn Pe state city and the universe ..".. occurred for five ..this.. years in Rirentama and Pe state city. Because his strategy does the thing by very hard, and boldly thinking. Outoutoshi ..".. is said that is good and a little despotic in "Administration of the cannonball arm" of Rirentama and.
Welter of controversy..roll..answer..nothing but..person..remark..believe..good..person..bad..say..bad man..good at..say."
Image of cannonball arm: "He executes by boldly thinking and is a little despotic. "
何先日、ネット上、またある人は“李連玉で、十大工事の光り輝く政治的業績は”は題のために書き付けを出して、再度矛先を、この現在に合わせました ,“量にたばこを吸って明らかに増加します”の市の委員会の書記。招待状の発図は語っています:“これは建設していたので、“竜潤のピー州市”は彫刻・塑像を作ります;これは、費用の7,000の万元、‘連玉の大通り’、518メートルは長くて、漢白玉は補佐して、刻んで9,999あります 蓮の花、寓意、前途は無限です。これは、費用の1,200の万元、長さの1,008のメートル、高い100メートルを噴き出して、李連玉を使用して、たいへん誇らしい天下の‘第1が噴き出します’。”
群众迎接李连玉。The general public receives Rirentama.
李书记不停跟群众握手。Only the lamplight shakes hands with the general public clerk Lee ..none...
李书记向群众挥手。Clerk Lee waves toward the general public.
护士列队欢迎。 The nurse welcomes it in rows.
迎接李连玉的群众约有数千名。However, there are several 1000 people inviting the general public of Ri
场面相当壮观。 The scene is considerably spectacular.
群众夹道欢迎。The general public ardently welcomes it.
The elderly person of Shilshi of the example and 80 years old that supports military
Subject: The solid racket China poorest mountain village(8 attempt s)
市政府旧址变成了公园。图/郑州晚报Heat confers and moves up: He is caught in the ambition for recognition,

The journalist obviously reads sensitive of this controversy on the expression
of the government official in the part of a local government.

In the dispute eddy current, the Li Lianyu reply is: "I only believed
a speech, the good person said not badly, the unprincipled person
cannot reach an agreement."
Shocks the solid racket: In snowstorm, society riff raffs' life (group
Each people all live between the success and failure, when you lose
some things time, perhaps you obtained have been more, when you
obtained certain things time, perhaps you were losing the most
precious thing, after went home, sat in front of the computer, in the
heart was not actually tranquil. What is lives? Looks at them, what we
also do have well to complain?
Title: RE: Shocks the solid racket: In snowstorm, society riff raffs'life (group chart) -- author: Has not registered the --publication time: 2007-12-10 04:07:15 (1st building)
This is our average person's life, approaches very much to minelife, very real. The author certainly is the nouveau riche, only hasyou to think you live in society's upper formation. Actual you liveonly then are pitiful.
Title: RE: Shocks the solid racket: In snowstorm, society riff raffs'life (group chart) -- author: Has not registered the --publication time: 2007-12-10 06:32:09 (2nd building)
Yi lou, bu dong shi.
Title: RE: Shocks the solid racket: In snowstorm, society riffraffs' life (group chart) -- author: Has not registered the --publication time: 2007-12-10 01:17:14 (3rd building)
Now this could let the tool which the common people made moneyin the Shenyang suburb already take for, said affects the city'sappearance, was not regular
[Populace paste chart] the river town Yi nationality Miao nationality township to be located northeast Hezhang County, is apart from the county seat 81 kilometers, adjoins Yunnan Province YiLiang, Zhenxiong two counties. Ancient times was has magnificent historical the night of court attendant country with long history jurisdiction, now belongs to the Guizhou Province Hezhang County administrative division. Here average elevation 2,200 meters, annual mean temperature 11 ℃, annual rainfall 923 millimeters, frost-free period 210 days.

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Within the boundaries mountain steep slope steep, the peaks and ridges overlap, gully vertically and horizontally, land broken, pours natural disaster and so on the spring cold weather, hail, flooding, cold rain low temperature frequent, the agricultural production condition is bad, is a national level kind of impoverished township which the State Council in 2001 delimits.

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As a result of factor the and so on history, nature, economy, society influence, has been formed the impoverished surface big, the impoverished degree deep, soil erosion is serious, ecology worsening "illness sickness". Foundation weak, transportation unenlightened, economical development slow, culture backward, rural labor force quality low and so on question extremely prominent, is the county-wide impoverished surface is biggest, impoverished degree deepest township

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