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(博讯,北京时间2007年12月04日 转载)http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/intl/2007/12/200712041847.shtml
     根据美国《星岛日报》报道,旧金山市长,纽森先生正式签署,“城市身份证”法案,令旧金山市,成为美国第一个,向包括无证移民在内,所有居民,签发身份证的大城市,法案,会于9个月以后开始实施。 (博讯 boxun.com)
    根据该法案,申请人,必须提供身份,与居住证明,身份证明,可以是外国护照、外国身份证,加上外国驾照、甚至员工证,或学生证等。而居住证明,则可以是水电费单、电话费单、旧金山市,公校入学证明、银行月结单、甚至,是无家可归者,入住市内庇护所的证明等。 _(网文转载) (博讯 boxun.com)

-The United States
The person are reprinted, are possible to accomplish, and why will you make Taiwan?
Neither Taiwan nor a continental person are accepted. You be able to say by a continental person's not needing, working, requiring Indonesian people, and working, slaughter the captain many times, and absorb it ..this deep lesson.. surely?
A continental person is hoped, and the person on related politics makes the person receive, take care of, descend, and settle down, and does to the thing that serves humanity.

HuDebin of a Chinese positive country Emperor : in Europe. 2007, 12, and 4 - Tuesday.

Revision of some sentence signs and sentences-

There will not be migrant of proof in San Francisco in nine months, and http://www of position proof-(December 04 in time of Beijing to gain news 2007 reprints). Peacehall.com/news/gb/intl/2007/12/200712041847.shtml that can receive.

The origin: United States 《 the Hoshishima daily report 》 is Sanfra.
Mayor Nshisco and the forest teacher of the button make the bill and San Francisco City of "Position proof of the city" done formally signing, and are reporting that the bill and nine months can start executing later by issuing all residents toward and issuing the large city of the position proof by United States 《 the Hoshishima daily report 》 including the migrant of proof becoming piece first of the United States, and there. (News boxun is gained. com)

It is acquired to obtain the bill and several teacher whom Counsellor-rice and the felon herb approve and "Position proof of the city" put out of San Francisco City, secondarily to read well on capitular in the city before support by Counsellor in the city and the other day, and to pass, signs following the forest teacher of mayor-button, and it has formally become the example of the method.

The challenge of the law is received as long as …, and it executes it  according to and the precedent.

This..city..position..proof..San Francisco..City..all..resident..position..prove..file..offer..help..some..state..provide..federation..position..proof..file..resident..promulgate..city..service..obtain..especially..policeman..service..as a result..public's safety..improve..help..urgent..report..use..use.However, it proofs it the position about this city … Cannot and receive use to some, there must be state, indispensable or the file of the position proof of the federation, and can the acquisition of the person, limit service, and … Cannot and the file of some ..take the place completely, and promulgate from federation or state.. the position proofs.

The employee's proof is added or the foreign country's being able to do the position proof of the passport and the foreign country in the position proof and the foreign country it by proving should the offer of the position, and those who apply and the residence by this bill, licensing, and arriving at extreme are the student's identification cards, etc.It can be a call charge only of the water service electricity bill and the house to which it should return proves the protection place in the city of the check-in by the person ..it not is.. the connection of arrival to the entrance of San Francisco City and a public school only, proofs, and banks ..moon single.. extreme the residence and proof. _(reprint of sentence of net) (News boxun is gained. com)


9ヶ月後で、サンフランシスコに証明の移住者がなくて、身分証-(ニュースを博します、北京時間の2007年12月04日 が転載します)のhttp://www.を受け取ることができますpeacehall.com/news/gb/intl/2007/12/200712041847.shtml

出所:米国《星島日報》は、サンフランシスコ市長、ボタンの森先生は正式に署名して、“都市の身分証”の法案、サンフランシスコ市をさせて、米国の第一個になって、証明の移住者がないことを含めてに向って、すべての住民、身分証の大都市を発行して、法案、9ヶ月の後で実施を始めることができますと米国《星島日報》によって報道しています。 (ニュース boxunを博します.com)



この法案によって、申請者、必ず身分を提供しなければならなくて、居住することと証明して、身分証明、外国の旅券、外国の身分証であることができて、外国の免許、甚だしきに至っては従業員の証明を足して、あるいは学生証など。居住して証明して、水道電気代の単に、通話料であることができて単に、サンフランシスコ市、公の学校が入学して証明して、銀行が月単に、甚だしきに至ってはを結んで、帰るべき家がないの者で、チェックインの市内の保護所の証明など。 _(ネットの文転載) (ニュース boxunを博します.com)
