
this blog is meant for my little precious
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后来,为了让宝宝满足她的“打开diaper”欲望,我让她在每次洗澡前自己脱掉diaper。她用左手靠着墙壁,右手撕开diaper的velcro, 然后慢慢的把diaper往下推到地上。双手靠墙,移动脚,好把diaper弄出来。宝宝还好脾气的把diaper拿给我扔到trash can去。


可后来她学会了新花招--把velcro黏回去。她把velcro撕开后就会不断的把velcro贴回去,然后再撕开,再贴回去。要不然就是贴到自己的腰上。有时贴歪了,就会生气的大力扯拉diaper,还配上咬牙切齿的表情和台词“yeeeee....". 如果我要拿过diaper,她就和我急。我也不帮她,就让她自己弄。

没多久,她的黏velcro已练得很纯熟,她就想自己穿diaper. 在浴缸里拿着刚脱下的脏diaper不断的往自己的腰按。要不然就把velcro贴在腰上。这样可以弄上好一阵。同样的,她不让我干涉,我也不帮她。我看她得花多长时间figure out how to put on diaper.




phil-phil 发表评论于
you are so productive in your blog.

my d has the similar problem but no serious as cc. i found a book in the library talking about wakeup. it is a magic book with two pictures overlapped on each page. changing the angle changes the pictures. i followed the book and explained to pbylicia what the good baby to do after waking up. i donot know how much she picked up but these two mornings she was more cooperative. i asked her to read the page of dressing and put her cloth on.

phylicia loves velcro too. she did not have the chance to play diaper yet. she unties her shoes with velcro. so now her shoes have real shoelace and she cannot get rid of them by herself.