放假后的一天,我问儿子最喜欢哪个老师。因儿子数学好,我想当然得认为是数学老师。没想到儿子说是Ms.H, English teacher。我问这个老师怎么好?儿子说:她很nice, patient,还问他是否认识Ryan。儿子告诉我他在Ryan家玩时遇到过Ms.H,Ryan妈和Ms.H是朋友 (Ryan爸是医生)。儿子只是在Ryan家见过Ms.H就得到比其他孩子们多一点的关注,可想而知,若Ryan在Ms.H的班上会是什么样。
1.报纸的事被misquote是一件很经常的事,有很多时候新闻界都是这样夸大或者断章取义。I attribute that to bad listening skills and irresponsible journalism. 这样的情况我在公司里遇到很多回数,我提的一些专业意见再传回我耳朵里已经面目全非。倒不是同事们故意扭曲我的讲法,有时候他们听得不仔细,每个人的理解力不同,有些人的理解跟你的原先的解释或者初衷完全不同。 This leaves a lot of room for mis-interpretation and assumptions.这个我觉得是记者的责任,倒不是那对老夫妻故意夸大。
3.关于儿子的那一段,好像有一点猜测。Ms. H. being nice and patient并不等于她对你的儿子有比别人多一份的关注。 可能她对每一个学生都是nice and patient.问他认不认识Ryan,这听上去是很普通的一句闲聊的话,it could be just a way to start a conversation, an opener,something common for your son and the teacher to start a conversation.
Hi, come on! Did u check which those white's origin country is?(assume u define 美国人=whites) Many of those "美国人" you met today are actually mixed-blood: British/Irland/Germany/Italy, etc. England is tend to be mean, while Germany is well-calculated and mean!
As of any "美国人"social etiquette, obviously you can't avoid discrimination now in USA, neither you can tell if it is from their own behavior or from their parents' influence.
Some W-H-I-T-E-S are mean and selfish, pls keep it in mind.