
海外存知己,天涯若比邻. 我们的共同爱好让我们聚在一起,让我们以食为庆吧!
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水煮鱼—Black cod (黑雪鱼?) 切段,用盐,酒,花椒面,腌15分钟,

热锅放油 炒香,姜,蒜,葱末, 加花椒粒,辣椒面炒, 加郫县豆瓣酱, 炒出红油,加高汤,酒,酱油,味精,糖,胡椒,烧开,下鱼段,再烧开,装盘,洒炒黄豆,花椒面,葱花,香菜. 这鱼这样做效果特好,很嫩,很入味.

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板栗烧鸡—小鸡切块,用酒,酱油,腌一会儿,进油锅爆炒,加酒,冰糖,老抽,姜片,葱段, 熟的栗子,水, 盖盖, 烧干水.

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炒黄豆芽—本来是用来给水煮鱼垫底的, 怕太辣,就另装盘了.

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甜点 (simple trifle) —vanilla wafers quickly dipped in Baileys liqueur, line the bottom, spray some store bought whip cream from a canister, add sliced banana, add Nutella spread (hazel nut spread), add another layer of vanilla wafers, splash some more Baileys liqueur on wafers, more whip cream, dust some cocoa powder, one dollop of home made pomegranate jelly in the center.

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