Bull is vindicated

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An up day in the market wins a lot of Bull converts, only hope God could demonstrate some of His power, then, the church will be filled with worshipers :) -- just some idle thoughts.

Today\'s gain has earsed the accumulative loss of last two days, making the week quite promising. The biggest lessons was to have some belief in the direction where market is heading (otherwise, you better stay in the sideline), especially when most market participatents are so jittery.

The good news is that the market is up 1.5%, the even better news is that the volumn has incresed comparing with last two down days. it shows there are more people are willing to buy than sell, a condition necessary to push the market even higher.

Not all stock are up equally, big tech, strong momentum ones like intc, hpq, esrx, vip, mtl, pot etl are up quite handsomely, on the other hand, many weak ones are getting more beaten (AMD for example sadly)

There is good reason as why. it is called tax time and quarter(year) end window dressing.. if you have a loss position, you tend to sell it to take a capital loss, that is why weak stock get weaker (you can expect them to bounce back febuary maybe :) ). ANd since Fund managers are rewarded based on his return, so, obviously, they will do all they can to keep their fund looks good.

Let\'s see what is ahead. DOW still have another 100 points or so before it encounter its first resistance. Friday we will have all-important job report. so, tomorrow, we could see a more quiet day. it may sounds disappointing, But, if you have a strong stock, it may does not matter what the market will do.
