世界名著 TITLE 对译

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[Background: My wife wanted to read some 世界名著 in English version six years ago. Unfortunately, the English title for most of them was not available for us then. We talked with some English people but sometimes it was still hard to get an English title of a book. Now, I have collected some of them and attched them here. Hope it is beneficial to you. Moreover, if you find some other classic famous book's title in Chinese and in English, please provided it here so that it will be beneficial to more people. I will added the book provided by you and list your name after the book. Thank you!]

[The following two pictures are special for TX]

  1. ( 玛格丽特 · 米切 尔 )

    GONE WITH THE WIND ( Margaret Mitchell )
  1. 红与黑 ( 司 汤达 )

    THE RED AND THE BLACK (Le Rouge et le Noir) (by Stendhal )
  1. 战争与和平 ( 列夫 · 托 尔斯泰 )

    WAR AND PEACE ( by Leo Tolstoy)
  1. 简 · 爱 ( 夏洛特 · 勃朗特 )

    JANE EYRE ( by Charlotte Bronte )
  1. 傲慢与偏见 ( 简 · 奥斯汀 )

    PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (by Jane Austen)
  1. 基督山伯爵 ( 大仲 马 )

    THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO (by Alexandre Dumas Pere)
  1. 悲惨世界 ( 维克多 · 雨果 )

    LES MISERABLES ( by Victor Hugo)
  1. 呼啸山庄 ( 艾米略 · 勃朗特 )

    WUTHERING />HEIGHTS/> />(by Emily Bronte)
  1. 德伯家的苔丝 ( 托 马斯 · 哈代 )

    TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES (by Thomas Hardy)
  1. 双城记 ( 查尔斯 · 狄更斯 )

    A TALES OF TWO CITIES ( by Charles Dickens)
  1. 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 ( 刘易斯 · 卡洛 尔 )

    ALICE />/>’S ADVENTURE IN WONDERLAND ( by Lewis Carroll)
  1. 鲁宾逊飘流记 ( 丹尼尔 · 笛福 )

    ROBISON CRUSOE (by Daniel Defoe)

  2. 汤姆·索亚历险记 ( 马克 · 吐温 )


  14.   查太莱夫人的情人 ( D·H· 劳伦斯 )

          LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER (by D·H· Lawrence />/>)

I am looking foward to your contribution here.

@Copywright belongs to UKren@
