厂家给的Recovery DVD选择Non-destructive Recovery操作,结果还是不断循环,
循环中出现“System error: Lsass.exe
When trying to update a password the return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is not correct.”的提醒,
后经网上搜索得到提示,按F8进入safe mode 启动状态,但启动后还是进入不断循环。从新按F8进入safe mode 启动状态,选择Windows XP Media Center Edition启动,结果出现:
“Winnt_root\\System32\\Hal.dll missing or corrupt:Please re-install a copy of the above file.”的提醒,
又通过网上搜索得到提示需要Edit the Boot.ini File in Windows XP ,是不是需要进入DOS状态下的屏幕来修改Boot.ini File?怎么进入?