

太湖美呀太湖美 美就美在太湖水

水上有白帆呀 水下有红菱呀

水边芦苇青 水底鱼虾肥

湖水织出灌溉网 稻香果香绕湖飞

哎咳唷 太湖美呀太湖美

太湖美呀太湖美 美就美在太湖水

红旗映绿波呀 春风湖面吹呀

水是丰收酒 湖是碧玉杯

装满深情盛满爱 捧给祖国报春晖

哎咳唷 太胡美呀太湖美


nobody2007 发表评论于
You have performed a lot of Chinese folk songs and I enjoy listening to all of them. But this was the song that I listened to first. I "discovered" you, so to speak, after I listened to this one. It is still my favorite. You sang the song in Suzhou dialect, and yet your other songs leave no trace of a Southerner's accent. This tells me your linguistic aptitude is outstanding too.
李老师 发表评论于
r8r 发表评论于

真的很饭你的桑音,光滑柔美,民味十足 比这太湖还美!!