匈牙利燉雞 Chicken Goulash
8 pieces chicken legs and thighs, 1 Tbsp butter, softened, 1 garlic clove, crushed
1 large onions, thinly sliced, 1or 2 Tbsp sweet Hungarian paprika, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 cup chicken broth, 2 Tbsp sour cream.
In a heavy skillet pan, heat the butter till hot, brown the chicken for 5 minutes each side, put chicken aside and stir onions, garlic, paprika, salt, cook for 3 minutes, add 1/4 cup of water, sour cream. Combine chicken and onions together bake for 30 minutes 375F. You may want to cut away the meat from the bones, and cut the chicken pieces into smaller pieces (optional). Serve with polenta or mash potato.

1 cup ground polenta meal, 1 ts salt 5 cups water, 1 tbl butter, pepper
boil water add salt and polenta, whisking constantly until combined. Reduce heat until large bubbles appear. Add butter and whisk until it got like a rice look. Turn off the heat Cover for 10 minutes before serve.

西柚,橙, pomegranate 沙拉

colored egg and fried rice

罌粟小蛋糕 Poppy seed cup cakes




