“Have you realized that victims will never claim that sacrificing is inevitable, and the ones claiming that are always the ones benefited from whatever they are talking about? It has hypocrisy written all over the place. ”
Yes, it's hypocritical, and it's unfair, but, is it true? Many soldiers will die and few will become generals, but is this the reason/excuse to give up the battles? Don't smash me yet, please read on.
"For those less fortunate ones, I don't think sympathy is what they need, nor what they want. If I were them, I would want a fair chance, I know it's hard. Growing up on the country side is so much more harsh than in Shanghai, speaking of education, basic life quality, public service, health care, etc etc. What happened happened, I can cry a river over the past unfairness. Now the question is, how much longer do I have to suffer this unfairness, what about my children? I think that's a hard question for those relatively fortunate ones. If we know it's unfair, can we do better, in the future, how about tomorrow? What have we done? Do we have the guts to do it?"
Yes, sympathy, and a fair chance. We are working on it, and I know what we have done is far from enough. Please give it some time. I know it's unfair. it sucks, but let's deal with it. It won't happen tomorrow, and that sucks too, but you've got a better idea? I want to take what the rich have and give to the poor, but that won't work. We'll all become poor this way, which, you guessed it, SUCKS. Let's start by doing something like 减免农业税.
"If I were one of those less fortunate ones, I can live with past unfairness, I can endure current unfairness, I can even hope that future unfairness won't last too long, but I want my voice to be heard. Who's going to listen to me? Do I have the channel to raise my concern? I don't just want to chat with fellow 打工仔 about it, I want to talk to policy makers. Is that too much to ask? Or that's something I have to suffer during the 发展, but those fortunate ones don't need to?"
渐变 is better than 突变. Democracy is slowly evolved and can not be implemented overnight. Social stability is still the key. Any conflicts that may be caused by polarization is far less severe than the turmoil inflicted by a sudden shift in the infrastructure.
"It's not about 共同富裕, it's about 共同努力. If I am not even given the right to put in similar efforts to achieve even remotely similar results, and you are telling me that's way it should be, it's very disheartening."
See above, and you are right, that's not the way it should be, but I don't have a better idea. Sorry. But let's work together, and let's work hard, for a long time, generations maybe.
“We are learning others experience, so it's possible to avoid something bad but taking something good. Most countries went to democracy through slavery society, you got to be kidding to claim that democracy is only achievable through slavery. Beneficiaries of unfairness to claim it's natural law to preserve such unfairness is not very convincing."
Don't偷换概念. I never said we had to go thru slavery for democracy, although that's what happened in some developed nations.
"BTW, only emperors, kings, and those ones in power are eligible to 卖国. To fight with 卖国贼 on a frigging message board is a little bit paranoid."
领会精神, "卖国贼" is just rhetorics.