在美国,骑自行车锻炼身体是随处可见的普通现象。C. F. Payne 的深刻之处在于,他把这位正在喝水的骑车女郎放到加油站的背景中,与远景中的SUV,右上方招牌上的高额油价,形成强烈的对比。暗喻在当前油价居高不下的条件下,自行车代步在很多情况下应该是节约能源的一个选择(”Alternative“)。对骑自行车的人来说,所需的“燃料”(fuel)只是一瓶水而已。
"It's a Dog's Life" - October 2004
午后,在一间 dog beauty salon 里,一位职业的 dog hairdresser 正在为一只长毛曳地状极可爱的 Shitzu 做发型,而坐在右边的 dog manicurist 则在一丝不苟地为小狗修指甲。他们的认真和敬业使得他们脸上流露出一种近乎宗教徒一般的虔诚,让蜷伏在中间的小狗增添了些许神性的光辉。右后方闯进画面的那位女士,留着与狗同样的发型,显然是小狗的主人,看到在两位专业人员的精心伺候下变得流光溢彩的 Shitzu,脸上堆起心满意足的笑容。Payne 的这幅漫画,不动声色地讽刺了美国某些人对宠物近乎病态的热爱和有闲阶层具有拜物教倾向的生活方式。
类似的日常画面,几乎每天在任何一个加油站都可以看到。从图中两个人的装束和汽车来看,他们显然是属于不同的社会阶层。留着小胡子左手叉腰的那位多半是一位蓝领大叔,而右面穿的比较体面的儒雅秃头则显然是一位白领绅士。他们一边加油,一边都不约而同的若有所思:“唉,这油价要长到什么时候才算完哪!” 不管你是属于那个社会群体,当今的油价都是一个让每个美国人揪心的主要问题。"Fuel for Thought",这个题目简直是妙极了!
"Waste Lines" -June 2004
对比是讽刺漫画的一个主要表现手法,这个手法在 C. F. Payne 那里简直被用绝了。在这幅漫画里,男人正端着废品回收箱走出家门,与刚刚走下SUV的妻子打招呼,她的手上托着一个小小的 grocery 纸袋,像是刚刚 shopping 回来。这个小小的家庭街头插曲,通过废品回收箱和SUV的对比,形象地昭示了美国社会在资源利用方面价值观念上的矛盾:一方面人人回收废纸,塑料瓶等,代表了美国社会节俭,高效的优良传统;而另一方面,崇尚耗油无度的SUV的观念,则反映了美国社会没有节制的浪费资源的一面。在画面的背景中,Payne 有意无意的加进了人们的家门口飘扬的美国国旗,实在是寓意深长的匠心之笔。
Oh, no. I thought you meant the guy in It’s Dog’s Life, the 3rd cartoon. The one in the 2nd cartoon definitely is a female, just a bit muscular – maybe that’s what you meant. :))
edrifter 发表评论于
谢谢!喜欢就好! :))
edrifter 发表评论于
Thanks for the input!
waycool 发表评论于
also "fuel for thought": left(D) vis right(R)
慧慧 发表评论于
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
I was talking the same one, the 3rd one "Alternative Fuel".
edrifter 发表评论于
Hello, Melly & Calman:
The embedded music is one of those by Bandari’s, but unfortunately I forgot what the title was. Sorry! I will let you know if by any chance it comes up. Here is the site below where you can get it downloaded. Have a fun!
With language skills, the worst scnariao could be is this: you lost Chinese before you can command English. It seems this is where I am. Thank you for the thought! :))
You’re absolutely right about the humor & wisdom. 正像柏拉图所说的,幽默是一个人智慧有余的表现。
edrifter 发表评论于
Hello, Flemenco Girl:
You got me on this one. Where did you see a woman with a man’s face? That would be a very funny looking. : )))
edrifter 发表评论于
回复TU22M & 路过不错过的评论:
Thank you guys for voicing your opinions. Please see my response to JustAHunch below. Happy holiday! :))
calman 发表评论于
What name is for that background music? It is beautiful.
BTW, the background music is so beautiful. Name? Where to download?
melly 发表评论于
I am sure your Chinese is as perfect as your English even you are living in an English-speaking world. You will lose neither of them. :-))
Actually, I wish I could forget more Chinese, instead remembering more English. In reality check, I am much closer to Chinese lately since a Chinese co-worker joined our project, who speaks little English. Sigh!!!!
Thanks for introducing Payne for me. I might ignore his humorous elements without your introduction. Enjoying humor in ordinary life is not easy since the one has to have the sense to find it in the first place. I am not sure if one could do it without wisdom.
Wish you and your family a wonderful holiday. I am expecting more wonderful English and Chinese postings from you in coming year.(one of items in my wish list and new year's resolution) LOL
edrifter 发表评论于
edrifter 发表评论于
edrifter 发表评论于
That was a great hunch! :)) Thank you for pointing it out. I would not have made it out of what’s written on the tiny stickers had you not mentioned this. And it makes more sense back to 2004.
Thanks you for your input and wish you a merry Christmas!
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
曾宁 发表评论于
justAHunch 发表评论于
"fuel for thought" 的看点应该是2004年大选,Kerry vs Bush,正如两部车后面sticker所示