奥巴马整个竞选调子是要改革。这个口号非常空洞。在改革的旗帜下,以南希路派西为代表的民主党在国会选举中把共和党变成少数党,占领了国会山庄。结果怎么样?伊拉克还在打,美国经济已经陷入衰退,而民主党把持的国会得到有史以来民众最低的支持率, 比布什总统的支持率还低。奥巴马要改革,能改什么他自己也说不清楚。在他还沉浸在爱禾华州胜利的凯歌声中,希拉莉一反常态,先示柔后强硬,以“READY FOR CHANGE”作为新的口号来对付奥巴马的“STAND FOR CHANGE”,这一字之差不仅使奥巴马的口号失去意义,更从另一个方面突出希拉莉的正面形象。
回复puning的评论: Obama storm will sweep the country. He is winning the hearts of millions of people who volunteer and donate whatever they have to support his candidacy. His January $32 million fundraising is from hundreds of thousands of small donors like me. I am not wealthy, but will continue to give $10, $50, whatever I can. I firmly believe he will bring the voices of the poor and the underpreviliged to the White House. He will be the people's president and will stand in history among the ranks of America's greatest presidents Washington, Lincoln,and Kennedy. I am very excited that I can contribute at this historical moment.
noso 发表评论于
Thank you for visiting.
January 2008
2. noso: 潇洒人生路
飞飞~ 发表评论于
I will not vote for either of them。--same here.
美国老土 发表评论于
Nothing is forever, real job security is your marketable skills.
美国老土 发表评论于
Notng is forever, real job security is your marketable skills.