刚到美国时,在English Today上抄下来的(那时上网是很有限地):
Great Expectations English Today April,1997
Roger Berry
Why is it that HERE
Doesn\'t rhyme with THERE?
It would if spelling were not such a traitor
These words so insincere
Are simply everywhere
As in the case of Heater/SWEATER/GREATER
The same is true of WEIGHT
Which pays no heed to HEIGHT
Although the spelling seems to point to parity
If you\'re a child of EIGHT
It calls for quite a SLEIGHT
Of mind to handle such irregularity
And then there\'re FOOD and BROOD
which give no guide to GOOD
Still less to BLOOD or FLOOD\'s pronunciation
If you say MUD not MOOD
Result? A breakdown of communication
And not to mention NONE
Which doesn\'t go with GONE
As if to say it\'s not worth spending time with
I feel that I\'ve been DONE
When poets offer SHONE
As partner to a word it doesn\'t rhyme with
And worst of all there\'s COUGH
That\'s out of touch with TOUGH
While BOUGH and TOUGH add further complications
It\'s time to cry ENOUGH
Of words that don\'t live up to expections