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丫头说:“Yes, I took 110 dollars out before winter break. I have not done my Christmas shopping yet. My friends and I will go out this Saturday for a late Christmas shopping. By the way, dad, you still owe me 120 bucks. I babysitted brother for 6 day during the winter break.”

“Come on, your mom gave you 60 dollars cash as Christmas gift. You still want dad to pay you the money?”老爸想赖账。

“Gift is gift. Pay is pay. I babysitted 6 days, so 120 bucks.”女儿可是寸步不让。


今天早晨一起床,女儿就嚷嚷着要老爸给她一个ride:“Daddy, please give me a ride to the shopping mall. My frined and I will meet in the mall. We will eat lunch there. So please pick me up at 4 clock this afternoon.”

“What are you going shopping for?” 老爸有点迷惑了。

“Just some gifts for friends in school. We had to delay because of the college application process. ”女儿回答得挺干脆。

知道女儿大了,有自己的朋友和人情,也不想让女儿手头太紧,老爸当即拿出120块现金给女儿:“This is your pay, ok. Don’t spend all of it.”

“I know, I know. Thanks.....”


“Call me when you need me to pick up you. Have fun with your friends........”老爸在shopping mall门口给女儿挥挥手,看着女儿的背影消失在大门背后。


