China 2007 (15) - Nanjing VII (阅江楼, 中华门)

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Day 10

This was the last day we had in Nanjing. We tried to fit everything in. First we went to Yuejiang Tower. Then we had lunch with my dad, aunt, uncle, and my cousin Ping at Zhan Yuan's restaurant. After that, we walked to Zhonghua Gate Castle (three blocks away) to work off that lunch so we would be ready for dinner later. :) Dinner was at home. My cousin Ping bought me some live crabs. I mentioned I hadn't had live crabs for ages during lunch, so she decided to get me some for dinner. That is my cousin Ping, always nice and thoughtful.

One of the "Chinese four famous towers", Yuejiang Tower is mentioned in history books as far back as 600+ years ago, but for some reason the tower never got built until modern time. In fact, the Ming style tower was completed in 2001, making it a 6-years-old "ancient site".

1. Yuejiang Tower.

2. Yuejiang Tower construction note.

3. Inside the tower there is a 3-story high porcelain art about Zhenghe and his expeditions.

4. Silk art "Chinese four famous towers" was on display on the top floor of the tower. I know this is a terrible picture with all the reflection but I have to show you this because it is the best silk art I have ever seen.

5. Yuejiang Tower up close.

6. The silk art seen from the back. The needlework is impeccable both on the front and back.

7. From Yuejiang Tower, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is a short distance away.

8. Yuejiang Tower from the side.

9. Approaching Zhonghua Gate Castle.

10. Zhonghua Gate Castle.

11. Stairs to go up the castle. By now, we were so dreading of stairs. Our legs were so tired from all the walking we had since the last day in Beijing.

12. On top of the castle.

13. Dinner at home, from left: Chinese chives with pig liver (蒜黄猪肝), Nanjing Shao Ya (南京烧鸭), shrimp (大虾), pea sprouts (豆苗). Sorry no crab pictures. We should have taken some. The crabs were so good. They were in season. Every crab was oozing with eggs, a sight repulsive to many people, but cannot be more welcomed by crab-lovers like me. :) The dishes may not look pretty, but they were prepared with tender loving care. To me, it was the best meal in the world!

That is it for the Nanjing leg of the trip. The next morning, my dad, aunt and uncle would take the D train to Suzhou with us. That is right, in order to spend more time with them, I brought them along for another leg of the trip.

(To be continued)
