Quebec motorists will be required to swap their summer tires forwinter ones starting next winter, under a provincial law passedWednesday.
As of Nov. 15, 2008, drivers will have to equip their vehicles withsnow tires from that day each year through to April 15. The provinceestimates that 90 per cent of vehicles already use snow tires though anestimated 500,000 people rely on all-season tires.
The law makes Quebec the first province to require winter tires.
Jean-Marie de Koninck, who served as the head of a provincial taskforce on road safety, said the change is expected to help curb winteraccidents.
"There's about 10 per cent of the people right now that don't havewinter tires on and they're involved in 38 per cent of the accidents onthe road in the winter," he said.
"It does make a big difference if you have summer tires on or winter tires on," he said.
Drivers found without the tires will be fined between $200 and $300,though de Koninck acknowledged spotting drivers without winter tiresmay be difficult for police officers.
"It is difficult for policemen to enforce the law," he said. "Butoverall if it reduces the number of fatalities on the road, then weshould go ahead with it."
Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia are among the countries thathave similar laws requiring drivers to use winter tires to navigatesnowy roads.