Looking back for the Song of 'We are the world'

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In search of music on YouTube, I stumble across old song of "We are the world".

Looking back 20 years or so, I can not help to wonder how much America has changed from a compassionate country to a gun, missile and war country. I thought America had learned a lesson of Vietnam war.

Once I took several colleagues from Colombia on a business trip to China. When we were sitting in Shanghai's street bar and drinking bear, we looked at the prosperities happened around Shanghai. The Colombia friends asked me what caused such prosperity? I said, many changes are due to relaxed government policies. He sighed, " I am afriad we are too close to Amrica" The sentiment toward US was real negative. That does not help US oversea business.

America most influential export was its culture and compassionate value. Where are those values today?

I am afriad the spirits that bind people together back in the 1980s are not here today.

The questions, will America gain those spririts adn values back any time soon?


wine 发表评论于
love it!! thanks!!