How to position a Picturetrail flash file at top of your blog h

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hi, see what change I made in my blog

1) Make a Picturetrail flash file, most of you have already known how to do it.

2) Log in your WXC account, and go to your blog

3) Find and click on 订制模板, which is on the top of your homepage


4) Then click on 编辑模板 to open a new window, and you will see a lots of HTML code.

5) Go to your Picturetrail account, copy the embed code.

6) Paste the code into the very first line in the window you opened.

7) Click on a button to update your blog, or click on another button if you want to cancel the change. The two buttons locate in bottom of the window.

8) You can alway click on [点击预览您的博客] to preview your changes.

9) If you want to adjust size or position, I can tell you later.