S先生入院以后情况急剧恶化,他和妻子明确地说不要气管插管或者CPR,唯一的要求是尽可能用药物维持生命。很多时候,病人和家人会有一种心理,希望有一种折衷,既不要增加无谓的痛苦,又不想完全放弃,但是这是很难做到的。抢救是一套完整的方案,光用药物维持心脏和血压却不通过插管来维持呼吸,是毫无意义的。深夜,我和他的妻子坐在他的身边,把他的情况尽可能缓和而又诚实地告诉他。要么就尽可能抢救,忍受痛苦来延长生命,要么就维持comfort care,让自然来决定命运。这之间没有过渡,没有折衷。S先生带着氧气面罩,艰难地握着妻子的手说,sorry, honey, i am too tired.第二天黎明,他去世了。
落花, 这两天在看Grey's Anatomy,每次都想起你。很久没来了,所以今天特意来看看你。你说的医学名词我看不懂,但是还是体会了你的感受。看到"sorry, honey, i am too tired", 忍不住好好感动了一番。作为医生,你们每天目睹而且参与到非常戏剧话的人生事件,对生命的体验,一定很特殊。
The use of IVC filters in patients with brain tumors has been associated with substantial complication rates [12,16]. As an example, in a series of 42 such patients, 12 percent had recurrent pulmonary emboli and 57 percent developed IVC or filter thrombosis, recurrent deep vein thrombosis, or postphlebitic syndrome [12]. These complications severely reduced the quality of life of the affected patients.
Warfarin anticoagulation — Several retrospective studies have suggested that, outside of the perioperative period [17], the risk of tumor-associated intracranial hemorrhage may not be significantly increased in patients with primary or metastatic brain tumors if the degree of anticoagulation with warfarin is carefully controlled.
We recommend anticoagulation in all patients with brain tumors except those that have a high rate of intracranial hemorrhage (ie, metastases from melanoma, choriocarcinoma, thyroid carcinoma, and renal cell carcinoma). (Grade 1C). VTE in low-grade glioma and benign tumors should be treated for 3 to 6 months. Long-term anticoagulation is recommended for malignant gliomas.
I have been searching articles about this topic too, there are mulitple studies have been done to compare IVC filter and anticoagulation.
Altschuler, E, Moosa, H, Selker, RG, Vertosick, FT Jr. The risk and efficacy of anticoagulant therapy in the treatment of thromboembolic complications in patients with primary malignant brain tumors. Neurosurgery 1990; 27:74.
Choucair, AK, Silver, P, Levin, VA. Risk of intracranial hemorrhage in glioma patients receiving anticoagulant therapy for venous thromboembolism. J Neurosurg 1987; 66:357.