NSW UAI拿到100 的有21名,12 male, 9 female

A total of 51 036 students were eligible for a UAI in 2007, representing 83.6% of the students

who were awarded an HSC. This total was slightly more than the corresponding figure, 50 744,

in 2006. The gender balance was similar to that of previous years, with 53.5% of the UAI

eligible students being female.

The distribution of UAIs was also similar to that of previous years, with 1.7% of students

receiving a UAI of 99.00 or above, 16.5% a UAI of 90.00 or above, 32.4% a UAI of 80.00 or

above and 47.3% a UAI of 70.00 or above. The median UAI for 2007 was 67.

Of the 21 students who received a UAI of 100.00 in 2007, 12 were male and 9 female. This was

different from the pattern in previous years where approximately equal numbers of males and

females were placed in this top category. Females were, however, again over-represented in the

higher UAI bands. For example, in 2007, of those students achieving a UAI of 95.00 or above 56.1% were female and of the students who receive a UAI of 90.00 or above 57.2% were
