从来觉得,长寿不是一件很可庆幸的事。人世最为凄惨的,莫过于风烛残年,身边却少了那个至爱的人吧。四十岁还可以理直气壮地说要将“闷骚进行到底”,等七老八十踽踽独行 ,会是什么支撑着再走下去呢?那时,看到了一星点虚幻的光,也要如绝望的飞蛾般扑上去的吧?吸吮青春气息,在 Peter O’toole 行云流水无雕琢的表演下从来听 8228 轶事那种事不关己的淡漠隔膜与些许的不自在突然消遁无踪,一切都变得可以理解。世间形形色色的情愫何止千万,大可不必拿了自己的道观伦理观去要求人。 I'm impotent but I can still take theoretical interest ——振聋发聩呀!!嘎~
不提他轻诵 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day 的场景了,有的对话也是贲耐人寻味:
For most men, the woman's body is the most beautiful thing they’ll ever see.
What's the most beautiful thing a girl sees? —— Her first child.
I am about to die and I know nothing about myself.
——贲有同感。当然,对 we’ve been loved, we've been adored, but we didn't always notice it 也贲有同感 :PP
Do you believe in anything?
Pleasure, I like. I've tried to give pleasure. That's all I'd recommend to anyone.
—— put pleasure first ,对大多数人来说,是不可企及的愿望。矛盾之处在于,每个人都或多或少地希望自己有朝一日可以做到,但如果和这样的人生活在一起,那绝对不会是什么人间乐事。
还有他离开人世时的最后一句话: Now we can really talk ——语言生歧义,只有对回忆中的人,才会真正无所保留无所掩饰吧?
4黑, you are really spoiled by 2黑... yan2zhong4 Envy!!
天天天天天, don't worry, we fans should determine to live long to also 惯4黑惯到 99 岁!It is so exciting to think that after that we can 把4黑da打 finally, hahaaa :D
hmm I am not sure about
What's the most beautiful thing a girl sees? —— Her first child.
I don't have a plan of having child either and am clueless to a Mama's favorite. But I have started to view BF as a most beautiful thing and sometimes regard him as the first child -- hehee, but his roles to me change all the time. hmm, I also regard many other people I love as most beutiful things, say my family members, mentors, best friends, and surely 黑黑黑黑... So I don't believe there is any single most beautiful thing to me. It's good in that I will not feel so sad after losing it. Just wonder if it is similar to other Geminis here, 4黑 and 小顶同学??
I also think myself a most beautiful thing (hahaaa,don't 打me ...)since it's so interesting to get to know myself day by day, hour by hour, second by second ...
The ancient Greeks carved a nifty saying on the wall of Apollo's temple at Delphi. It's just two words long, "Know yourself." (ZT)
Love the new ID photo of 黑黑黑黑
kkky 发表评论于
哈, 支持下2黑, 憋了99年,不容易!!!!!!!!!!
牛小路 发表评论于
ragtimefox 发表评论于
michelle99 发表评论于
黑黑黑黑, I want to see all members of your family! Don't feel ..... ~~~~ ~~~~
You have been making people around you so happy. You are a great 美 银! :D