French Baguettes 1:1 法国面包 Baguettes

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French baguette is famous all over the world. When I was in Paris the first time, first thing on my agenda was buying a baguette from bakery. It was a misty afternnon in May. I stayed a hotel in the heart of Champs-Elysees. A bakery very close to the Arc de Triomphe had wonderful bagattes. I still remember clearly that bakery nowadays. As a baguette-lover, I started to learn how to bake them since.

法国 baguette 世界闻名。第一次去法国 Paris 的时候要做的第一件事情就是去找一家面包房,买一个 baggette。(我觉得比购物还重要.) 那是一个五月的一个下午,天上飘着细雨。出租车带我们到了下榻的饭店,位于著名 Champs-Elysees 的中心。在凯旋门附近找到了一家面包店。他们的 baguette 真是好棒。直到今天我还清清楚楚的记得那家面包店和那个笑容可掬的男主人。从那一天起,做为一个忠实的 baguette 宠爱者,我打算一定要学做 baguette。

First, making sponge:

2 and 1/2 tsp dry yeast

1 and 1/2 warm water

1 tsp sugar

2 cup bread flour

首先做 sponge (我想这就是大家所说的汤种。花了几个月的时间才明白这个汤种的意义,不知是谁的杰作,让我大笑了几分钟.)

Dissolve the yeast in warm water and let it stand until foamy, about 3 to 5 minutes. Mix dry ingredients together. Then add the yeast mixtrue into the dry mixture. Cover it and let it rise in a warm place for 1 to 2 hrs.

将yeast 溶在温水中,直到很多小泡泡出来,大约3到5分钟。糖和面粉混和好,加入 yeast 混和物。混和均匀。盖好放在暖和的地方直到发成2倍大,大约1~2小时。

After sponge is done, mix in following ingredients:

2 cup bread flour,

2 tsp sea salt

plus more flour for dusting or kneading

Make the dough until surface is smooth. You can kneed it by hand. I used a stand mixer. Form the dough into a ball, transfer it to a lightly oiled container. Cover the contatiner and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk. ~1 to 2 hours.

Sponge 发好后,加入2杯面粉,2勺海盐,揉成面团。有人喜欢手揉,我还是喜欢用机器。把揉好的面团放在一个擦过油的容器中,盖好放在暖和的地方直到发成2倍大,大约1~2小时。

Punch down the dough. Some people like to rise the 2nd time. I didn't this time.


Let the dough rest for 10 minutes and divide it into 2 or 3 equal parts. Shape each dough into the baguette shape. Roll the top third down onto itself and seal it by pushing it gently with the heel of your hand. Place the loaves on the prepared pan. See picture below. Cover the dough and let it rise again in the warm place. ~40 minutes.

让面团休息10分钟,然后分成2份或3份。把每份面团做成 baguette 的形状,放在烤盘中。盖好放在暖和的地方直到发成2倍大,大约40分钟。

Pre heat the oven to 500F. Make 4 to 5 slashes on each loave. Quickly mist the loaves generously with water. Immediately put the pan into the oven and reduce the heat to 450F. Bake the breads until they are golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom, 20 to 25 minutes. Rotate the pan half way through baking to ensure baking evenly. Let the loaves cool on the rack for 20 minutes before serving. These breads are best eat fresh.

烤箱预热500F,在每个面团上用尖锐的刀片划几道。用喷水壶在面团上喷上水。放如烤箱中烤,烤箱温度立刻调低到450F。烤到 golden brown,用手指敲敲有中空的声音,就好了。大约20~25分钟。注意一点,烤的过程中,要把烤盘调换个位子,以便烤的均匀。面包要放在架子上冷却20分钟。这种面包新鲜的最好吃。

这是我的简易版的 baguette。好多职业面包房要2天才可出炉。我希望这个方法会给你一个参考,预祝大家成功!中国新年快乐!

ruoding 发表评论于
please tell me how much water you use

1 and 1/2 warm water