Anyone interested in communication with a departed loved one or learning more about the "Other Side" will want to read this book Many may be shocked to learn that the so called dead have been communicating across the veil through electronic devices since the early 1900s. Much more than anecdotal evidence exists that we survive physical death and that our loved ones on the "Other Side" continue to interact with us. Indeed, evidence collected from Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Video Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC)

By | Michael E. Tymn (Kailua, Hawaii) - See all my reviews![]() |
The media decided that man's landing on the moon was the top story of the last Century. But is that more significant than communicating electronically with other realms of existence, which wasn't even on the list of events considered?
"Come again," you say. Yes, there is strong evidence that we are in touch with the "Other Side" (the world of the so-called "dead") as well as with other realms of existence. This evidence exceeds the "boggle threshold" of most people, including orthodox science and the mainstream media, but the evidence is there nonetheless for anyone wanting to open his or her mind to it.
You might start with this excellent book, which summarizes much of the work done by credible scientists over the past 50 years in the areas of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC) and tells about ongoing research in the field. We're talking about tape-recorded voices of entities from other realms of existence, phone messages from them, and television images, to name just some of the phenomena. "From EVP messages that we received, we quickly satisfied ourselves that the voices were not stray sounds in the environment or stray radio broadcasts," authors Tom and Lisa Butler write. "In fact, with deceased relatives giving us messages on our audio tape, we came to realize that EVP was the most important proof of survival that we had ever experienced."
When the Butlers first heard about EVP, they considered it "outlandish, even improbable," just as most people who are not familiar with it are likely to conclude. But after you have finished this book, you should, unless you are completely closed-minded and stuck in your worldview, realize that there is really something to it.
The Butlers are now engaged in extensive research in the field and detail much of their findings. If your mind is easily boggled, it's probably not for you. If you want to expand your mind, this book is one means of doing so. Landing on the moon is nothing compared with the implications of the evidence in this book.

By | "sfspiritualist" (Larkspur, CA USA) - See all my reviews |
Read this easy to read book to develop your own scientific evidence to prove the continuity of life in another expression following the change called "death."
After reading it, I am ready to get out my tape recorder and have a try at it. The instructions given are easy to follow and encourage one to develop their own techniques.
We need to remember that those in the "spirit realms" are just as anxious to communicate and those in this physical. Read the truly amazing examples of those who have met with success. My favorite story is the one about the "talking coffee pot"!