

Like Chris complained about, those 8 miles hikes just happened without any advanced warning. Before we checked in the cottage, we decided to take a leisure walk on the bear creak trail and check out the area a bit, but somehow, the 2 mile walking turned into strenuous (in Chris’ book) 8-mile hike over to the ocean. Chris may never get that tired on a regular training ride with me, but when it comes to hiking with me, he is very wimpy. He does not admit that of course.

Chris said if one wants to keep the hand warm, one should wear a hat. @#!$%! What type of logic is that?

Marsha (excited with the scenery): “Chris, isn’t this an amazing view?!”
Chris (still not happy about the random hike): “I will let you know when we get back to the car”

Taking a break at the cliff

Chris says "Even though Marsha thought my logic on wearing the hat was !@&%# or something to that effect, she did admit that her hands were warmer"
