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Police: Dad threw 4 children off bridge


BAYOU LA BATRE, Ala. - A man confessed to tossing his four young children off a bridge after an angry dispute with his wife, authorities said Wednesday as they searched murky waters for the bodies.

贝尤 - 拉 - 巴特里,阿拉巴马州 - 当局周三在混浊的河水中搜寻儿童尸体时说,一名男子供认与妻子愤怒争吵之后将四名年幼的子女扔到了大桥下面。

Lam Luong, 37, who is charged with four counts of capital murder, told authorities Tuesday night that he drove to the Dauphin Island bridge and dropped the children from a span that reaches 80 feet in places, Detective Scott Rivera said.

侦探斯科特 - 里韦拉说,被控以四项一级谋杀罪的37岁兰龙,在周二晚间告诉当局,他驱车前往海豚岛大桥,是从一个跨距80英尺的地方把孩子扔下去的。

Luong came to coastal Alabama from Vietnam in 1984 and worked in the commercial fishing industry as a shrimper, Police Chief John Joyner said.

He had argued with his wife, Ngoc Phan, before taking the children, he said.


Missing and presumed dead:


4-month-old Danny Luong; 1-year-old Lindsey Luong; 2-year-old Hannah Luong; and 3-year-old Ryan Phan. Phan is not the man's biological child, but Luong raised him from infancy, authorities said.

当局表示, 失踪的有4个月大的丹尼-龙、1岁的林赛-龙、2岁的汉娜-龙和3岁的瑞安-潘。 潘不是兰龙的亲生子,但兰龙却把他从小抚养大。

Intense search begins:


Authorities continued to search a 100-square-mile area and waters as deep as 55 feet. The search included divers and cadaver dogs in small boats, as well as three helicopters, Mobile County Sheriff Sam Cochran said.

摩拜尔县治安官萨姆 - 克朗说,当局继续在100平方哩范围内的地区和55英尺深的水域中搜寻。搜索动用了潜水员和小快艇上的寻尸犬,以及三架直升机。

Joyner said he feared the search of the Intracoastal Waterway below the bridge would be hampered by bad weather and choppy waters. The bridge extends from the mainland to Dauphin Island, which lies between the waterway and the Gulf of Mexico.


The couple lived with Phan's mother at Bayou La Batre, a fishing village with a large Southeast Asian community. Phan's brother-in-law Kam Phengsisomboun, who is from Thailand, said the couple moved back to the area from Hinesville, Ga., only a couple of weeks ago.

这对夫妇与潘的母亲住在贝尤-拉-巴特利,那是一个渔村,有很多东南亚裔人居住在那里。潘的妹夫,来自泰国的坎- 丰西萨姆本表示,这对夫妇仅仅在一周之前才从乔治亚州的海因斯维勒搬回到这一地区。

They argued Sunday night and again Monday, he said. Luong left the home with two of the children, then later came back for the other two, he said.


Family: A father's downward spiral


The family initially feared the children had been traded to support a drug habit, Phengsisomboun said. Luong had a crack cocaine habit and had spent an insurance settlement from an automobile accident rapidly, he said, and authorities confirmed Luong had a history of drug offenses.



快克可卡因Crack Cocaine,是一种很能上瘾的可卡因,因为刺激性强而颇受欢迎。其实它是一种毒素被稀释的毒品。之所以被称作“快克可卡因”,是因为在吸食它的时候会发出一种噼噼啪啪的声音,而这种声音的英文字是Crack,根据声音翻译成中文就是“快克”。一般认为它是1980年代出产而后走俏的。

Luong reported the children missing Monday and told police that a woman who had the children failed to return them, authorities said. Phengsisomboun said he was later told by investigators that a witness had seen someone throw a bundle from the bridge and then saw three children in a nearby car.


Phan, 23, was in seclusion Wednesday morning at her mother's brick home, the

front porch cluttered with children's toys.

