He tossed the lock and the chain into the grass beside the road and pushed back the cattle gate, waving Waxman through. -《The Devil’s Redhead》by David Corbett 他把锁头和锁链扔到路边的草地上,继而向后推着牛栏门,摆手示意让瓦克斯曼穿过去。
Frank turned, punched, slapped and kicking, breaking Abatangelo’s grip on his belt and at the same time tumbling from the backseat. -《The Devil’s Redhead》by David Corbett(p.289) 佛兰克转过身来,重拳出击,连扇带踢,打得阿巴唐吉洛松开抓他腰带的手,而与此同时,他也从后车座上跌落下来。
Taking up position at a phone booth outside the store, he lit a cigarette and dialed, exhaling smoke into the receiver and leaning into the wall, his corduroys bagging at the knees. -《The Devil’s Redhead》by David Corbett 他在店铺外一间电话亭里找个地方,随后点香烟,打电话,喷云吐雾灌入话筒,继而靠在墙上,而他那只灯芯绒包则放在膝下。
He reached the car and opened the trunk, withdrew his camera, then headed back uphill, the camera in one hand, his flash in the other. -《The Devil’s Redhead》by David Corbett(p.290) 他走到汽车跟前,打开后备箱,拿出相机,然后一手拿着相机,一手拿着闪光灯,朝着山坡往回走。
本来可以翻译成: Bai found a large wolf blocking their way. He was scared to death and didn’t dare to go in. 我把He was scared to death 变成过去分词形式的悬垂句,就成了这个样子: Scared to death, he didn’t dare to go in.
The men, wearing straw Stetsons and ragged coats, sat in their folding chairs beneath the awnings, motionless as stones. -《The Devil’s Redhead》by David Corbett 头戴秸秆牛仔帽,身穿破衣烂衫的男人们都坐在天篷底下各自的折叠椅上,面无表情,形同顽石。
The men who were wearing straw Stetsons and ragged coats, sat in their folding chairs beneath the awnings, motionless as stones.
What they saw was a deserted milking shed, perched atop a rocky knoll lower than the hill they’d just come over. -《The Devil’s Redhead》by David Corbett (p.288) 他们看到的是一间废弃的奶棚。这奶棚建在一座瘦石嶙峋的丘陵顶部,而这座丘陵则又比他们刚刚翻过的小山还要低。
What they saw was a deserted milking shed which was perched atop a rocky knoll lower than the hill they’d just come over.
Too tired to stand, he sat in the tub, lathering himself, the shower spray pattering against his skin. -《The Devil’s Redhead》by David Corbett 他疲惫至极,无法站立,(只好)坐在浴盆中,往身上打肥皂,一任淋浴喷头喷出的水花啪啪地溅在他的皮肤上。