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《断背山》男主角之一的扮演者,澳大利亚出生的演员Heath Ledger周二下午突然死亡。死讯不胫而走,一群粉丝及时聚集在421 Broome Street in SoHo 公寓外,等候向Heath Ledger先生的遗体做最后的告别。警方说,年仅28岁的Ledger先生,死时脸朝下趴在床上,床头桌上有一瓶处方安眠药。但他们不知道这些药是否对他的死亡起到任何作用。(节译)

The actor Heath Ledger was found dead in a Manhattan apartment on Tuesday afternoon, the New York City police said. As word of the death spread, a crowd had gathered outside the apartment in SoHo in time to see Mr. Ledger's body removed.The police said Mr. Ledger, 28, was discovered facedown in bed in an apartment at 421 Broome Street in SoHo. Police officials said that a bottle of preion sleeping pills were found on a nearby night table, but that they did not know whether they played a role in Mr. Ledger’s death.
