Word and Quote of the Day (Jan 26, 2008)

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~~~~~~~~~ Jan 26, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(adjective) All of the same or similar kind or nature.
Usage:The contentedly retired women of the quilting club were a close-knit, homogeneous group.

Quote of the Day
Poetry's unnat'ral; no man ever talked poetry 'cept a beadle on boxin' day.
Charles Dickens

~~~~~~~~~ Jan 25, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(adjective) Having soft nap produced by brushing.
Synonyms:napped, brushed
Usage:Though the train was unbearably cold, she snuggled into the fleecy lining of her coat and promptly fell asleep.

Quote of the Day
And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.
Gilbert Chesterton

~~~~~~~~~ Jan 24, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A knight honored for valor, entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command.
Synonyms:knight of the square flag, knight banneret
Usage:The banneret proudly led his troops into battle and pressed forward unafraid.

Quote of the Day
One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.
Virginia Woolf

~~~~~~~~~ Jan 24, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A list, especially of names.
Usage:The spy's mission was to compile a roster of officials amenable to bribery.

Quote of the Day
 It is greater than the stars - that moving procession of human energy; greater than the palpitating earth and the things growing thereon.
Kate Chopin

~~~~~~~~~ Jan 23, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A foot and leg covering reaching halfway to the knee, resembling a laced half boot.
Synonyms:half boot, combat boot, desert boot, top boot
Usage:He wore pale yellow buskins that covered the scars just above his ankles.

Quote of the Day
I don't mind what Congress does, as long as they don't do it in the streets and frighten the horses.
Victor Hugo

~~~~~~~~~ Jan 22, 2008 ~~~~~~~~
Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) One who explores caves chiefly as a hobby; a caver.
Synonyms:potholer, spelaeologist, speleologist
Usage:The spelunkers were lost in the cave and worried that their minimal rations, two granola bars and a bag of salted peanuts, would not last long.

Quote of the Day
All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.
Alexandre Dumas

~~~~~~~~ Jan 20, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(adjective) Of, given to, characterized by, or having the nature of digression.
Synonyms:rambling, digressive, discursive
Usage:What started as a few excursive remarks soon turned into a long, rambling speech about this and that.

Quote of the Day
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.
Arthur Conan Doyle

~~~~~~~~ Jan 17, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) One engaged in a dispute.
Synonyms:eristic, controversialist
Usage:Other tribes of the new federation took sides with the original disputants or set up petty revolutions of their own.

Quote of the Day
 Peace rules the day, where reason rules the mind.
Wilkie Collins

~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 15, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A trough or an open box in which feed for livestock is placed.
Usage:After putting him in a stable, his new master filled his manger with straw, but Pinocchio, after tasting a mouthful, spat it out.

Quote of the Day
 What's bred in the bone will stick to the flesh.
(620 BC-560 BC)

~~~~~~~~~Jan 14, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A noisy celebration.
Synonyms:gala, gala affair, blowout
Usage:Mary could not bear to miss the party and begged her mother for permission to attend the jamboree.

Quote of the Day
Don't order any black things. Rejoice in his memory; and be radiant: leave grief to the children. Wear violet and purple...Be patient with the poor people who will snivel: they don't know; and they think they will live for ever, which makes death a division instead of a bond.
George Bernard Shaw

In the News

Dentists May Screen Patients for Cancer

Dental visits and breast cancer screenings are not often discussed as related procedures, but they have been brought a bit closer together with the announcement that dentists may soon begin screening their patients for such tumors. American scientists have developed a test to check saliva for marker proteins that indicate the presence of breast cancer in a patient's body. Since people typically visit the dentist more frequently than a physician, the test may be used alongside mammograms, ultrasounds, and tissue sample analysis as an early detection tool. More on the subject...

~~~~~~~~~ Jan 12, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(adjective) Well informed about or knowing thoroughly.
Usage:A few words, in explanation, will here be necessary for such of our readers as are not conversant with the details of aerostation.

Quote of the Day
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
(427 BC-347 BC)

~~~~~~~~~ Jan 11, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A period of 10 years.
Synonyms:decade, decennium
Usage:The first decennary of the century was marked by revolutionary movements and general social unrest.

Quote of the Day
A woman must have money and a room of her own.
Virginia Woolf

~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 10, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A seasonal rhinitis resulting from an allergic reaction to pollen.
Synonyms:hay fever
Usage:It was spring, and, just like the garden, his pollinosis was in full-bloom.

~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 09, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(adjective) Not cultured or cultivated.
Synonyms:artless, uncultivated
Usage:She regarded him as an uncultured brute.

Quote of the Day
 It only seems as if you are doing something when you're worrying.
Lucy Maud Montgomery

~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 08, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A very small quantity or portion; a bit or mite.
Synonyms:whit, iota, scintilla, shred, tittle, smidge
Usage:He did not possess even a smidgen of courage and readily yielded his sandwich to an irate squirrel.
Word of the Day provided by The Free Dictionary

Quote of the Day

All humanity is passion; without passion, religion, history, novels, art would be ineffectual.
Honore de Balzac
~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 07, 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~

Word of the Day


Definition:(adjective) Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude.
Synonyms:patronizing, arch
Usage:Sir William, no doubt, meant to be kind, but he was cold and condescending, and not a little pompous and conceited.

Quote of the Day
Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.
(496 BC-406 BC)




