
小小猪自打圣诞节前夕周一就开始打喷嚏,流鼻涕,偶尔有点红眼睛。爸爸妈妈已经有点经验了,加之天气比较冷,担心出门会加重病情,就没有去见大夫,自行用了saline sprayeye drop。如此不好不坏到了周五早上,小小猪开始有些咳嗽了,声音中带着重重的痰音,是以前从来没有过的。加上马上又要到周末了,保险起见,爸爸妈妈还是决定去见大夫。大夫查了查,说气管没事,但是左耳有些发炎,给开了口服抗生素。


抗生素的说明书是说要”taken at the start of a light meal”。于是喂完抗生素后,爸爸开始喂牛奶。小小猪喝着喝着,没有一点先兆的“哇”的一声就吐了,于是妈妈赶紧先把小小猪外衣外裤上的呕吐物大概擦擦,把小小猪抱到了自己怀里,好让爸爸换衣服,然后又两人一起把小小猪的衣服换了,收拾了吐脏的地毯,摇椅,把衣服上脏的地方用手搓搓,扔进洗衣机。这已经是小小猪当天第二次换外衣,第一次是从医院回来以后。






吃抗生素后的第四天,宝宝开始有红屁股, 不知道是不是抗生素引起的。大夫说很有可能是。以下是症状简单纪录:

Ellen started taking Amoxillin (antibiotics) from 12/28/2007 to treat ear infection.

12/28/07 to 12/30/07: Ellen stayed at home.

12/31/07, Monday: After Ellen came back from the nanny’s home, it was found that the area of her girl’s part was very red with little red dots. She pooed a couple of times that day. There is nothing else special about her activity that day. She did not sit in the rotating chair a lot and was not held by the nanny in the arms too much. The diaper was changed about every 4 hours.

01/01/07, Tuesday: Ellen stayed at home. No special treatment was given except for warm water wash and the redness went away all by itself. She did not poo for the whole day though.

01/02/07, Wednesday: Ellen went to the Nanny’s home. The nanny was told about the redness and asked to be careful. The first time changing the diaper, no redness was observed. Then starting from the second time changing the diaper, redness was observed again even though the nanny washed her after the diaper change. It seemed better than Monday, but the whole area was red. The changing pad cover was brought back home and washed. Ellen’s cloth was also washed that night.

01/03/07, Thursday night, a round circle of redness was observed around Ellen’s girl’s part and the rest part looks ok.

01/04/07, Friday morning, one half of the redness has completely gone. Ellen’ pediatrician’s nurse was called. She said the redness is common when the baby is taking antibiotics, which may make her pee/poo more irritating and cause the redness. It is not necessarily the yeast infection. The nurse is comfortable with not bring Ellen to the doctor’s office right away. She suggested following two on-the-counter drugs. She asked us to keep close monitoring and call or bring Ellen to the office on Monday if things don’t get better. She doesn’t quite think the redness may be caused by any not-clean condition in the nanny’s home.

1% hydrocortisone

Lotrimin af from the foot cream department

Instruction given by Ellen’s Doctor’s nurse:

Apply hydrocortisone twice a day to the red area for one day. It can be applied to both girl’s part area and rectal area. If the symptoms doesn’t improve, on the second day, apply hydrocortisone the first time changing diaper, then Lotrimin the second time changing the diaper. On the third day, apply Lotrimin twice a day. If the symptoms still doesn’t improve on the fourth day, call the doctor office again or bring Ellen to the office.

During the 01/10/08 ear infection follow up check, the doctor said that there are different diaper rash, some may associated with projected red spots. Diaper rash cream with zinc oxide can be tried before using the 1% hydrocortisone.
