姜育恆 - 驛動的心

靠你有力量,心中想往锡安大道的,这人便为有福! 他们经过流泪谷,叫这谷变为泉源 之地;并有秋雨之福盖满了全谷 。
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paleorchid 发表评论于
"我理解. 其实不见面, 也一样能互相学习和勉励."
I agree, but still hope there will be a chance, if Lord willing :)
paleorchid 发表评论于
Dear QQ sister,
It is great you like it. That's a real encourage to me to post on more songs :)
虔谦 发表评论于

我也很感恩能遇见你, 从你这里学到东西, 和神亲近. 我理解. 其实不见面, 也一样能互相学习和勉励.
虔谦 发表评论于
真是太好听了, 要怎么感谢你啊~~
paleorchid 发表评论于
Dear sister,
It will be good if you can come to Toronto to see me :)).
I know there is a lot we can share about and a lot I can learn from you.
I am thankful for you
虔谦 发表评论于
meant to say i feel good to come here see you :)
虔谦 发表评论于
cannot hear it from work pc, i will come to enjoy over the weekend. thank you sister! i will good to come here see you...
I thank God.

Love in Him