
觉得离上帝越来越远,自从辞职后。也时常后悔辞职,本以为他们家的人能帮到我,可实事不是这样。今天带我认识上帝的老朋友告诉了我她自己的找工作经历,上帝是怎样帮助她的,真叫人感动。我也想起了上帝。可是太久没有想起他, 他会不会生气呢?而且我总是怀疑他的存在。可我知道自己的灵魂现在整天在四处游荡,好空虚无聊,而且自己对找工作越来越没信心了。真希望真的有上帝的存在,而且得到上帝的恩赐。我决心重新和上帝交谈,为自己和他人祈祷。阿门。

前路漫漫 发表评论于
Being a bit more patient. You will get things belong to you. Sometimes you will pain but think about there are far more people they live worse than you. You shall be one of the excellent. Otherwise you will not have today.

Keep your head high, do not think too much. Just keep doing and working, try all possible things. Not give up so soon.