For medical exam requirements, she needs to ask the University's international office. If the school has no specific requirement, she doesn't need it. I don't think that the US Custom ask for any exam certificate.
天苍苍99 发表评论于
I would find a safe place close to the university. So she doesn't need a car. Renting or buying a car is not cheap. If her English is not that good, it can be dangerous when she gets lost on the road. Bring all the things that she needs to use or wear.So she won't need to go shopping every day. I wouldn't bring pots and pans (or other stuff needed for cooking). She has to do grocery shopping to cook. She can buy pots and pans in the same place. Gifts are not all that necessary. Most Americans wouldn't expect to get a gift any way. I would bring some things for those (Chinese) who she needs help from, such as a ride to the grocery. Not that they'll ask for gifts, it's just nice to do.
At the university, I don't think that she'll need bring formal suites. Anything that fit does fine in the US.
For the laptop, check the power plug and the AC converter. The plug needs to have 2 flat pins (not the round ones). The electric voltage in the US is 110V.
I'm living Houston now, I don't know how long your friend will stay here, but I think she/he don't need bring too much winter clothes,because next month will get warm here. the Americans are wearing the short now. :) and don't bring any consume merchandise, such as tooth brush, soap... and kitchen goods is not very expensive in China Town, sometimes in Marshalls and Tjmaxx(discount store) the clearence on are very cheap. a fry pan about $10.00. she or he may bring 2-3 suits, but casual clothes are cheap in here.
醉时才认输 发表评论于
1.有关她的驾照可以看看下面的link,foreign visitors driving in the US (