IT一族(the IT crowd )1,2季

the IT crowd

根据英国同名情景喜剧改编,讲述的是一家大公司IT部门员工令人啼笑皆非的日常生活。Roy (Joel McHale, "The Soup") 和 Moss (Richard Ayoade, "The IT Crowd" -- U.K.) 这对高科技人才在待人接物方面缺乏经验--但是他们相互之间的关系还是不错的。他们的上司 Denholm (Rocky Carrol, "Chicago Hope") 对IT部门历来有偏见,将他们的办公室晾在地下室的角落里,与公司主体分离开来。

The high-rise towers of Reynholm Industries are full of go-getters, success stories, and winners... apart from in the basement.
While their beautiful colleagues work in fantastic surroundings, Jen, Roy and Moss lurk below ground, scorned and mocked by their co-workers as geeky losers, doomed never to make it back into normal society.
