"An over night escape out of the town"

Big Story of a Small Town,小镇意境01
( 旧版呓语E随笔游记 )
序: Note:
It was originally posted in my Blog, quite long ago; i feel here is better place to tranplant it again to share with my new friends here, hopefully it can meet some new comments, and if readers find it wate no time, i would feel very much appreciated and content.
I feel this BBS nice , it gives me another good reason to revise my earlier writings to a new look, so i re-edited it and post it here... Hope you may enjoy it....
Those on top of the questions list you encountered with when or where ever in life, the one like: what is the meaning of the life, even in its simplest form like: “how is your life recently?” All may cause you thinking of something out of ordinary life where you find hard to dig out.
It is quite true, when one of friends in this Blog once ask me, that people search hard to find out meanings beyond what they are in their normal everyday life. Moving out their own country might be one of extreme illustrations.
At second level, I would like to put it this way, that people escape for a time being from their life, setting off they go as they can choose to some places they may think can give them hints for the life esentials.
Human are luckier than others, they can choose to escape from their life, no matter they like it or not. There is argument then, animals travel too, even greater in distance. However they are not act on same instinct as men. Some times, people may be puzzled been asked why you here and there? In avoiding answering it too complicated, they give their stories vague, , something bigger or in too much details.
City-dwellers are crazy for running out of the towns and cities, speed their vehicles, or by fastest means, yet, returned with a dream of going out hopefully very soon again. There are numerous touching movie stories of rural youth are fighting their way to go to towns leaving their naive true love and the scenic mountains,lakes, hometown rivers behind.
Me, too! Out of no where and all of sudden, decided to give my self a treat to go out with my other-self. Actually, not sure what I am looking for, and attracted by an “overnight escape” from where I belong, the most successful “slogan” and “clichés” in the hospitality business, as I thought.
Off we rode, at about 120Km,on the high way, speeding away from the town I live…..
一语湖边, John Lakeshore
Previously Posted: 8th of October, 2006
Friday, August 31, 2007 10:39:36 PM