279 爱听不听:Ununited States of A-miracle

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爱听不听:Ununited States of A-miracle

of the 2008 electoral

you, vote or not, should know

The Ununited States of A-miracle

Florida votes for Hillary

for only she counts that primary

till only she celebrates that victory

next you heard John is gone

leaving Hillary and Barack to run

halve the force, couple the tone.

the divide of America

from the duo of its politica

was never a nuanced arena

a Cold War ended too cool

then a Gulf War succeeded no goal

except sending the President a farewell

in his two terms the next Bill

who defeated Bob then H.W.

was never a president of majority popular vote

a zippergate scandal

as Millenium remembered so

divided us moral or immoral

belaughed George

and beloved Al

together made 2000 Florida historical

2004 lent George a big smilie

he won the vote in popularity

by a mere one percent majority

here comes the 2008 primo

no hope America is one people

if you look into some in detail

first led GOP was the Giuliani,

oversaw the tight of McCain and Romney

but IO surprised the Huckabee

FL made McCain standing strong

and Hillary dragging Barack too long

Dems are no near to having fun

Kennedies sing the other chant

cheers in Florida does not count

Hillary is no good of being blind

SC may have come not late

but NH and NV were a bit of shake

Barack didn’t make it too great

old and women moved at Hillary’s choke

independent and youth are Barack’s folks

history and future, will you talk?

people are indeed playful

leaving 2008 full of obstacle

God bless The Ununited States of A-miracle