I am officially aging. Hopefully, I am getting wiser too. The day in Western calendar meeting with the Chinese calendar makes it a little special. So just spoil myself a little bit. I am expecting two-three more overlappings.
Origin: Freddy Juarez Marmolejo
Revised: Melly
A Spring wish to a special friend
May you always have happiness without end
May the sorrows you face be so very few
May the sun always shine down on you
A Summer wish to a special friend
May there be bliss always without end
May you be spared any tears and pain
May your rainbows shine bright after your summer rains
An Autumn wish to a special friend
May there always be joy without end
May the clouds in your skies always be white
May the heavens always sparkle at night
A Winter wish to a special friend
May there always be love without end
May misery on you never be thrust upon
May you see endless beautiful morning dawns
A wholehearted wish to a special friend
HAPPY EVERYDAY!!! now and always without end

Revised: Melly