

低血糖有很多鉴别诊断,病人收进来以后,自然是一步步work up。在诊断过程中,发现病人在入院时血中胰岛素浓度偏高,入院以后,胰岛素浓度逐步降低。同时测试的c-peptide浓度却一直很低。这时候我们对病人就产生了怀疑。





punny 发表评论于
落花飘零 发表评论于
AAAlbert 发表评论于
Interesting story and well told.

In my opinion, things are similar in every truth-searching activities. Many have achieved professional status with the passion to search for the truth, yet few are able to tell a story in a vivid and enticing way. Michael Crichton is an exemplar.

You are probably just a few steps away from him. :-)
纵然平行 发表评论于
Last night, I called home, and it was just a routine call. At the end of conversations, out of curiosity, I mentioned your diabetic pt's case to my mother who is an OB/GYN doctor working at a teaching hospital affricated with a medical school in a major city of China. To my surprise, she enlightened me with an eye-opening story that really shocked me.

Not very long ago one of my mother’s pts developed diabetes during her first trimester of the pregnancy, and she was prescribed insulin to lower her blood sugar level in order to safeguard the health of mother-to-be and the fetus. Unfortunately, one day this young woman found out , by a chance, that her husband was having an affair with a girl secretly behind her back. As the traumatic event unraveled this young women made a suicidal attempt by injecting herself with a large quantity of insulin. Shortly after she did that, her body was starting shivering , and she was on the verge to lose her consciousness, luckily her husband, a young orthodontist, with suffice medical knowledge discovered her in the bathroom and immediately fed her drink with very high contents of sugar in it while calling for the medical help. In the end, my mother’s pt turn out to be ok , and she didn’t die from the tragic event. In fact, six months later she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Interesting enough, her marriage was apparently saved, and her husband stopped seeing the other girl. According to my mother it was true happy ending after all of the exhilarations. She pointed out that there also has a twist in this true story that the young mother who committed suicide with insulin has pharmaceutical background.

In the other end of my phone call my mother “seized” a rare opportunity to lecture me about the evil source of that had happened and usual jazz about responsibility so on so forth, etc. That was kind of boring -:).

Anyhow, my take-away was that on the one hand knowledge is powerful and lifesaving, on the other hand it could be fetal and sinister when used by a wrong person.
小米粥 发表评论于

这两天很迷House,就是这种把医生当侦探来演的节目,在这个old school侦探片稀缺的时代,是一个很好的替代品。

落花飘零 发表评论于
黄大皇 发表评论于
点点滴滴在心头 发表评论于
对了, Andrea Bocelli 中的 Bocelli 应怎念? 这是法文发音对吗?谢谢指教!
点点滴滴在心头 发表评论于
拜读了您的作品,喜欢你的文字。 也看了那篇 Andrea Bocelli & Vivo Per Lei 的合唱(歌名是?)动听极了!!!很喜欢,去YouTube 搜索 了,点击率很高呵。 非常谢谢您,在这里很高兴自在,以后会常来欣赏!
Ruby@Cuisine 发表评论于