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“俄罗斯解放军”的阅兵仪式 [资料]





























1989 年在阿穆尔州,一位华裔的房东,70多岁的俄罗斯老太太,曾经向我说,30年代,饥饿的人们在自己土地里挖出一个生土豆吃,立刻被处死!我现在才懂得了它的份量。(按:集体农庄,共产主义道路本来是个死胡同,在30年代就已经看得分明了。可是中国的毛泽东在20年后亦步亦趋苏联领导人的反人民政策,也在中国强行推行合作化和后来的“人民公社”—集体农庄的翻版。毁坏了中国的农业,使人们多少年得不到温饱,生活在饥寒交迫中。还要异想天开地搞“大跃进”—实际上的大倒退。后来饿死了几千万人,也发生了人吃人。如果当年有这位苏联老大哥现身说法,了解到真实情况和后果,也许能够早收敛起祸国殃民的政策?)














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Former Soviet Union military officers: We are eat the person meat to live 
Prints the version [ Apollo news net2008-02-09 news ] 

"Russian People's Liberation Army" reviews troops the ceremony [material ]

Former Soviet Union military officers: We are eat the person meat to live
Origin: Chinese net

Works many year Uygur in the Moscow broadcasting station to be good, after the retirement often chats with me. The rarely known past which this time speaks of which some him to know the old soldier people says. For example: Soviet war of national defense time, Stalin issues an order Heavy penalty the criminal which closes the jail in (10 years to 25 years imprisonment) completely to emit holds the post the cruel The road of the death is chosen. 
team. Specially lets them to the place which dangerously does not come back go to war The road of the death is chosen. , these people above 90% all died!

War period, many mature red sergeants were killed by weapons in no way the hunger thirsty question. The army only females are the nurse or doctor, but except is an official, the soldier if has the relations with the nurse or rapes the nurse is wants to shoot. These suppress the man which ascends, in on the battlefield seeks the legitimate opportunity. A nurse has been just killed, on the body is braving, the steam warm-blooded, everybody comes up immediately digs up the clothing, rapes the body temperature still remaining corpse in turn... ...

Soviet Union carries on the H-bomb blast experiments, in the computation different distance, lays down the tank, the animal, far is large quantities of wears Prevention radiation clothes the soldier composes the human wall to carry on the living specimen experiment. The chemical defense clothing performance quality unreliable, does not play the role, many soldiers on the scene are killed violently (nuclear radiation sequela to be many). Then sends a letter for the family in, compiles the honorable death the reason.

This year 79 years old, eat the person meat retired military officer, the lieutenant colonel Baf Luo river Uygur wonderful. childhood experience have been really pitiful... "Has eaten the very long time"; "At that time very many people all snatched are eating, every was eats has all lived, has not eaten the person meat the majority while still alive to starve to death!" . This saying has specially shocked me!

In the history not little hears to the inhuman fable, also has looked at the record and the report, even if the Great Cultural Revolution time Mao Zedong's red guard occurs inhumanly in Guangxi has a fuller more and accurate record to report, also still thought was in the publication thing, has not heard, saw eats the person personally to come out speaks, always thought the similar myth, is away from remotely. This time learned by hearsay has this kind of outstandingly able person unusual happening in the side, therefore the decision grasps to interview has eaten
Human's military officer. Otherwise the enormous changes wrought by time, several years past, did not offer one's experiences as an example, also turned has hung doubts, "only is hears".

The person meat is a rank smell of blood! I thought. Inhuman is the very primitive ancient matter, why can occur in socialism Soviet Union? The person meat is delicious? How eats the person meat? Is bringing these questions, on June 29, 2006 11 o'clock, we visit this old retired officers: The Alexander. Baf Luo river Uygur wonderful lieutenant colonel (hereafter refers to as Pakistan), wears Half sleeve the unlined upper garment casual attire, the spirit healthily stands under the building greets us. Enters far east military area command headquarters military officer family member building, he carries on the interview with spouse's housing.

How did the Pakistan lieutenant colonels look does not surpass 70 years old, resembles  White hair young face which in the ancient book said. He does not sit the sofa, only sits on the opposite stool, the lumbodorsal region is stiff, specially has the makings. Because early knows the purpose in coming, is willing to make public this phase of history, does not need me to ask a question, he speaks with confidence.

"My father's destiny is not specially good, is compelled to become a soldier to attend the First World War. Jesus sews on the cross, he by nail on cross two! That is in the war by the German armed force captive. The German armed force manages loosely to the Russian prisoner of war, ally approximately he together escapes, is held. According to stipulates the nail to the cross on two hours penalties. Because had not found the nail, changes to the string to tie up the double arm.

Second time conspires in the female room master to escape. This 12 individual have been all held, completely has gotten up the cross. Ten had personally surmounted the limit, had died, was only left over the father to live down with other person. Afterwards the father and the female landlord married, and has lived a son, my German elder brother. Then prisoner of war was allowed casually to ask the woman in Germany to marry or to live together.

In 1923 Germany decided repatriates completely the Russia prisoners of war. The father although had the wife son, also is repatriated Russia.

After Soviet Union the October Revolution, everywhere **, the wanton slaugter is innocent, the man lacks. The father asked a girl to marry the life. They do not have the house, arrives the countryside to live inside a church several square meter feeds room. Has been born our sisters four people: I am an eldest child, -odd under three are the daughters.

"The October Revolution destruction, the economy greatly is bleak, everywhere is the famine. The proletariat has not eaten, only can shout the slogan, Lenin has compelled can not but relax the policy; Encourages the farmer to increase the grain production, enable the primitive commodity exchange slightly to have the restoration. To 1932, half number of people could have the food to get by, half number of people still were suffering from hunger and cold. This is good "the new economical time".

"In 1933 the collective farm movement started! Soviet farmer bigger misery also on from that time occurred. That year late autumn, sends out the large quantities of workers party member work team from the city to go to the country. Their most important task collects the grain. Orders according to the Central Party Committee, ' must completely collect the countryside grain, installs the train to ship back the city, in the solution city (because considered only revolutionized) the big famine and the economy which appeared is bleak.' The work team does not give a thought to the countryside present situation. The blind determination target, firm decision each must pay how much grain, no matter you do have eat (are in fact rob grain to countryside), does not pay the grain according to the stipulation quantity to shoot.

"The farmer had minority hides the life grain has gotten up, ' the vanguard of the Proletariat ', ' the worker elder brother ' searched, also had to shoot the person. (This certainly to be sure killed as soon as warns hundred, was kills 50%, suppression scareds out of one's wits other 50%, in order to completely robbed plunders) many farmers successively to kill. The village has been nearly destroyed by the communist party!"

"The second duty is forces all farmers ' the wish ' to join the collective farm. Every obeys is willing to join, may few leave behind (only month-long grain ration) to the whole family; Every is did not agree joins, the house grain completely confiscates, the whole family pursues the household. Encourages the farmer regarding a front year to expand the production, gets rich first a farmer, the grain house land completely confiscates, the person is seized or decapitates, but also must install ' the new rich farmer ', people's enemy's charge. Therefore afterwards the Soviet several dozens years produced the inertia, had eats has drinks good, everybody collective poor, the average was communist. Is at that time rank smell of blood lesson!"

"That day my family has come in the communist party which in three famous cities comes. Female, on wears the leather jacket, the waist is carrying on the arm a pistol. (The Pakistan lieutenant colonels gesticulated pistol position) they to take a fast look around our penniless family, nothing was worth the money the thing, began to change seeks the grain. In the family these days needed to run out of rice and firewood, they searched also may supply our whole family to eat two day-long barley, completely loaded the pocket; Also found more than a kilogram in a broken wooden crate to disperse the mixed grain, also completely sweeps into the pocket. The mother looks four the child which clamor treats makes up, only has this point to maintain the life the grain ration, puts out a hand to capture, they not also give, Kicks the person to hit the person

 has overthrown the younger sister and I, the rigidity robs. The mother personally in holds the rice bag not to put, nips their hand back with the tooth. That female pulls out the pistol, like raindrops pounds to mother's head and the face, are many place opens the flower, the blood jet. This time they three people sit down write the written judgement. And on the scene reads out: A Bull really Uygur gram court decided that, The resistance pays the grain, the whole family completely shoots!

"They have separately pulled out the pistol... In this final time, was the mother has saved entire family. She desperately works loose runs outside the room, loudly yells: ' The communist party member had to kill us, the communist party member had to kill our entire family!' Periphery the farmer took The iron does shovel the broach to run in abundance spheres them. Mutually confronts, two men have been timid, said: We now execute them, the farmer possibly also killed us. We evening again carry out execute by shooting. Was saying they retreated. What is called kills without batting an eye? What is called the murder like hemp, has complete disregard for human life? What is called robs plundering, plunders? What is called does not have the human nature? In the world has not surpassed the communist party!

"The good mind neighbors tell us, the red political power inevitably needs to retaliate, lets us quickly escape. Mother looked for grandfather, he rushed for a big horse-drawn vehicle, let our whole family lie down on the vehicle, on body top head big wheat straw, then has installed completely full large cart cow dung to above. Is pulling our village. After (670 years, our Brother, younger sister meets, the recollection same year was saved from death, in the nose also had that time whole body to soak the strong cow dung flavor which the excrement water stayed behind! The Pakistan lieutenant colonels press with the hand the nose, as if on in yesterday.)

"Outside the village the red political power" performs duties the sentry post with the people for the enemy "repeatedly to investigate, has not discovered the flaw, thought only is to the field in Transportation muck to paddies, let off. The whole family runs away to the deep forest in, the small shack cat which found the hunter which abandons temporarily to live to get down. At that time entire family only had a great-circle bread, (the Pakistan lieutenant colonel gesticulated size) our minute to eat two days.

In the past "several days, have eaten also do not have. The daddy said that, ' I am in the written judgement is writing a person, exited dies. You are my eldest son, in family's eldest son, you return to in the village to seek to eat!' Gave me an axe, a pocket. The mother or the decision accompanies me to go together. We walked several household others, the people all did not have. I to neighbouring home, as soon as looked 13 year-old boy don't good dies in the room. Shouted ' mother, don't good died! Has don't good died!' (Pakistan lieutenant colonel that dignified narration recollection, panic-stricken shouts look,

with 73 years ago when childhood is entirely alike, still Deterrent person heart and soul!) Mother lets me use the axe to chop his leg and the arm goes back eats. And exhorts me, cannot chop the head, that did not respect the deceased person. We were towing deceased person's arm and the leg returned to in the forest. (Note: When reorganization interview conversation discovered "the father gave me an axe, a pocket", whether meant originally had determined sought hacks to death the person to use? I afterwards made the phone call to check the village Russian name, actually how wasn't cruel enough to inquires this motive.)

"Henceforth eats the person meat which died, this is life food which we only can find. 6 year-old I (in 1927 was born) henceforth bear maintain entire family six people's heavy burdens! I exit every day seek the corpse to chop the body back to come back. Some while still alive starves to death the cow, only has skinny, threw nearby the village. I discovered the tripe is already ripped by the wolf has been eating, chops the thigh to chop the neck skin.

"This time already entered the winter, temperature in below zero 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. Cold exceptionally, in the village is killed the person which and starves to death everywhere by the vanguard of the Proletariat gun, open-air has thrown outside the village nobody buries, turns the freezing corpse. Half year long winter, I exit every day seek the person which the corpse and newly kills, starves to death. That time judged the execution executes by shooting others, escaped the part, hid to the deep forest in and other places. Seeks the deceased person to eat the life, is everybody only outlet. Inhuman already Cheng Bangjie partner. Whenever in the village throws deceased person's time to outside, our everybody lies prone bends down in the distant place is looking, is waiting, waited for them to walk far, we closed in on, chopped in abundance chops the soft body... ...

"After during a year, holds the post of the copy clerk in a village the uncle, sought employment a remote wooded mountain to the father to be the forest protection person, we only then put up two grasses shacks in there to roost the body.

"In that 23 years period, hides the proletariat dictatorship in the white snow cover remote mountains and ancient forests, every was does not eat the person all while still alive to starve to death; The dependence ate the deceased person only then possibly to live down. Is not forgiving the suppression, deprives and robs, is true The people cannot obtain food." The Pakistan lieutenant colonels enhanced the expression and the component which speaks: "I although eat the person meat for a long time, but I may guarantee - I have not killed a live person, has not eaten earns a living the person!"

Uygur good is helping the explanation that, He one other hates Lenin and Stalin's inhuman policy!

I ask him: "The person meat is delicious?" He orthochromatic, definitely replied that, "Delicious"!

Before the interview I want to inquire, the person meat fragrance is not fragrant? How does eat the law? Is suffering injury the survivor facing the communist history, tenacious unyielding seeking livehood, eats the person meat to eat the corpse is for maintain a livelihood, how can these speeches also ask the exportation? How can again injure him the mind! Several days, several month-long corpses, sickness starves to death, the corpse which guns down all must retrieve eats, where can be any delicacy delicacies, only attempts the life. Also can discuss the stir-fried dish, the cooking or drinks? If again asked he saw the corpse fear not to be afraid? That was unnecessary! Now I can imagine obtain, is compelled "to be precocious" the youth, in on the hand, clothes the elders all is the dirt blood, cannot wash the hands, does not have clothes to be possible to trade; Certainly was inferior to present slaughter house work on the labor person puts on work clothes... ...

The whole family does not even have the cotton-padded jacket, the cotton-wadded quilt protection against the cold. The world of ice and snow dawn crawls, facing the deceased person which outside piles up is cutting off limb the remnant arm, ran out or has sufficed one day to have a full stomach; Around the dwelling, piles up is person's bone; A youth has been deep in the knee, even in the waist high heavy snow, struggles rushes to the distant place, seeks each kind of face pain death the corpse, hews the scrap which takes moves to haul back, can again ask he ' was not afraid at that time '? The Pakistan lieutenant colonel's pitiful childhood, any type novel writer also imagines, the description cannot describe!

In 1989 in the armour state, a person of Chinese descent's landlord, over 70 year-old Russian old women, once said to me that, the 30's, the hungry people dig out a fresh potato in the oneself land to eat, is executed immediately! I have now only then understood its component. (Presses: The collective farm, the communism path originally is an impasse, already looked in the 30's distinctly. But China's Mao Zedong blindly follow suit the Soviet leader's against the people policy after 20 years, also forcefully carried out the movement to organize cooperatives in China and afterwards "the people's commune" - the collective farm reprint.

Has destroyed China's agriculture, enable the people how many year not to be able to obtain the warm and sufficient condition, lives in suffering hunger and cold. Also must indulgently do "the Great Leap Forward" - in fact great retrogression. Afterwards has starved to death several ten million people, also has occurred inhumanly. If the same year had this Soviet elder brothers to offer one's experiences as an example, understood perhaps the real situation and the consequence, could early restrain the policy which brought disaster on the nation and the people?)

The Pakistan lieutenant colonels then said that, "is executed by shooting by the communist party which kills the person and has while still alive starved to death the person, too many too were many! War of national defense period, the people all do not have that time to starve, to be poverty-stricken, are in a precarious state. This is walks ' the collective farm ' the path.

"Communist party member work team which sends except the city in, local village minority Boolean really Uygur gram party member, also joins their ranks, the coordinate help commits murder robs. In the village the majority person is killed or has starved to death... Can cope with lives down, all is the handbag bone skeleton, blows the gale certainly to be able to blow down the person!

"Afterwards knew that, truly had the minority person's successfully to hide own grain ration. They dig three feet searches neutral gears in the work team, installs the grain to the bag in, sinks to the river bottom. Has hidden."

How many people does your village have? What name is called? In what place?

"Above some several ten thousand people of - least 20,000 people. (Uygur good digression: That time village is big!) The village in Volgograd, turns over to the sarah to hold the husband city jurisdiction, the name to be called the lucky Asian Cheves card."

Spoke of afterwards: "Mother once gave a household wealthy family to work as the maid, that household has had the experience others to tell mother, ' did everything possible to let the son study!' Mother firmly remembers this outlet, delivers me around the distant place 10 several villages, changes the name to change surname 10 many times, finally in the construction university graduation. I register work as the soldier, has given second lieutenant after the test the military rank. Is the army constructs engineer. 25 years army profession has led many broad in scale construction projects.

"In 1951 developed the war industry new city ' altogether the blue city ', we to there. Had known my wife, we married." His wife looks I in the photographic recording, have discovered him the military uniform which puts on in the army: On the shoulder sign two bars two stars, in front of the chest have hung all over each kind of medal. Wife helps him to put on, military officer's military might dignified appears immediately, hero now as much as ever. Let me continue to photograph, to photograph.

"We are the contemporaries", his Ms. Zhuo Ya said. "Our family is adjoining the new Siberia's Ahl peaceful area, the name is called tribulus that not to depend on Guo LaSCK. There is the high and cold area, the winter lowest temperature may achieve -60 ℃.

"My father is the most industrious competent farmer. ' New economic policy ' in during several years, the father built four big houses, around the mother has given birth to our 12 daughters, the father has let her regenerate, 13th was a boy, our younger brother. Raises 15 families, can live wealthily are many is not simple! After is ' the October Revolution ' fortunately survives in the countryside capable person.

"In 1933 the similar evil policy also executed our there. The father is decided as "the new rich farmer". The whole family makes a clean sweep. The house property completely confiscates, who lets you dare to get rich first in the communist time? The father runs away to the remote mountain in, avoids executes."The mother leads we 13 homeless children, hides to the city moist gloomy basement in, afterwards a children big point, has delivered the orphanage one after another. The father hides here and there or is held. Let him to the army front "Delivers the death road the team". Also calculates luckily, the father because is competent can prepare food has worked as the cook. A major accident has scalded the double leg, only then lived was coming back... "

79 year-old Anna, is the beautiful woman. Last year was putting on own tailor's summer clothing on the avenue with the sisters, visited the dress designing competition on the way, by the appraisal committee discovery was the most synthesis old age fashionable clothing, issued the best design tailoring reward.

This position "new rich farmer" the daughter, the inborn heredity gene is can endure hardship, be competent. After Soviet Union disintegrates, year nearly 70 year-old she, the shoulder shoulders portably works as "but actually the mother", runs the Chinese Suifen River, buys goods to sell, actually was over 50 year-old son has bought set of houses! Present retirement pension each month of 4,,000 rubles, husband 6,,000 rubles.

The history, the real experience truthfully narrate, the Pakistan lieutenant colonels feel relieved. Appeared a breathe sigh of relief. I tell them, lets the common people know this section of Peru heard, also is to the historical contribution and the confession.
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