不过,这里我不想讨论奥巴马是否能当总统,只是想我对这段访问的理解。首先我认为她说的黑人会觉醒,指的是黑人会意识到美国能有一个黑人总统。他们在这个社会当少数太久,而且受的歧视比其他种族要多的多,所以很多黑人自己很悲观,觉得一个黑人是不可能被选上的。作为新一代华人移民,我刚到美国时也很不理解一些Affirmtive Action之类的政策,觉得衡量人要以merit为主,种族为什么要当一个因素。工作在good old boys' network 久了,自己也无数次因为年龄,性别,种族被人有意无意的怀疑工作能力,我开始理解了作为一个黑人,想要证实自己需要比别人更多的付出。
美国二百多年前建国之时,石破天惊的说出“All men are created equal”,黑人是不在这之列的,他们是subhuman, 是properties,直到1865年宪法十三修正案出台,正式废除奴隶制。奴隶制的血腥野蛮不用说了,有些人认为黑人不应纠缠历史,我却认为像奴隶制,二战屠犹这样反历史反人性的事应该时常提起,才能避免历史重现。我们中国人比较健忘,愿意向前看,所以中国历史一次次重复着,今天的年轻人有几个说的上扬州屠城,南京大屠杀,甚至大跃进文革的。(如果今天再来一次文革,我一点都不回奇怪,这是题外话)
Thank you for your article. It is very long before America can betcome a color-blind country. When we have such an outstanding candidate like Obama, lots of Chinese Americans cannot see the opportunity we have. When they see a white candidate, they think she will care for all people, not just white. When they see a black candidate, they think he will only care for one group.
"I know how you feel. I just want to remind you this is the first time white people can feel how black people have been feeling for decades - the despair, the sense of no justice, the no way out despearation. "
You are a very kind person. But I can not agree just one thing with you. As Chinese American , I think we have different culture with black. My son was in a school with a lot of poor kids when my husband was a student . My son got free lunch coupons for one term. I was very thankful, but I was shamed. I can not find nice job at that time , I fund a dishwasher job and earn $3 a hour. A lot of Chinese kids grow up in Chinese restaurant still went to college. I talked with some American people who never worked in their life time. They told me that if they can have food with out work, then why need go to work? Their apartment is small, but much bigger than what i have in China. Chinese got much much more unfair treatment in past 200 years in US. Our children have to have higher everything get into same school. I an not going to vote for Obama. With 80% and 90% of Chinese American in CA and NY voted for Hillary, I believe she is the one who cares all of us, not only one group.