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Brain Tumor 脑瘤

[Shooter]Glass to Use用杯

Shot glass子弹杯

Ingredient Amount 成分及数量

Bailey's Irish Cream 1 tsp百利甜一茶匙

Schnapps (peach) 1 oz. 桃味蒸馏酒

Grenadine 1/2 tsp. 石榴汁半茶匙

Mixing Instructions做法

Add peach schnapps to a shot glass. Slowly add Irish cream. Don't mix... the cream will clump together and settle to the bottom. It will look gross. Pour the grenadine over the cream lump for a completely disgusting looking, but really tasty Halloween party drink.


Heberts Alexander 愚笨亚历山大

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

Ingredient Amount

Brandy 2 oz. 白兰地

Creme de Cacao (dark) 1 tbsp.深色可可酒一餐匙

Frangelico 1 tbsp.榛实酒一餐匙

Cream 2 tbsp. 奶油两餐匙

Add ingredients into shaker with ice and shake well. Pour into cocktail class, and sprinkle some nutmeg or cinnamon. 摇后入杯,上撒肉豆蔻粉或肉桂粉。

Washington Apple华盛顿苹果

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Whiskey (Canadian) 2 oz. (Crown Royal)加拿大威士忌(皇宝威士忌)

Sour Apple Pucker 2 oz.苹果酸酒(酒度30)

Apple-cranberry Juice fill with 苹果及酸果蔓汁加至满

Mix apple pucker and Crown royal and fill with Apple- cranberry juice. Mix well serve with ice. 混合苹果酒及威士忌酒,加入苹果酸果蔓汁

Monkey's Lunch 猴子的午餐

Glass to Use

Old Fashioned glass古典杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (banana) 1 oz. 香蕉利口酒

Kahlua 1 oz. 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒

Milk Fill with 牛奶至满

Add ingredients to an old-fashioned glass with ice.


Sex With Jennifer 性感詹妮弗尔

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

Ingredient Amount

Rum (coconut) 1 1/2 oz. 兰姆(或椰酒)

Vodka 1 1/2 oz. 伏特加

Triple Sec 1 oz. 白橙皮酒

Grenadine dash 石榴汁少量

Pineapple Juice Fill with凤梨汁至满

Mix in glass, drink fast. 混合入杯

Blue Hawaiian 蓝色夏威夷

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Curacao (blue) 1 oz. 蓝香橙

Cream of coconut 1 oz. 椰乳酒

Rum (Light) 1 oz. 白兰姆

Pineapple Juice 2 oz. 凤梨汁

Cherries/Maraschino(s) 1 樱桃

Pineapple 1 slice 凤梨片一

Ice 1 cup 冰一杯

Add all ingredients (except garnishes) to a blender and blend at high speed. Pour into a highball glass and garnish with the pineapple slice and a cherry.


Sangria The Destroyer 桑格丽亚破坏者

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Brandy 1/2 cups (Napoleon) 白兰地(拿破仑)半杯(四毫升)

Brandy (cherry) 1/4 cups (Bols) 波士樱桃白兰地一毫升

Wine (red) 2 bottles (Gamay, Pinot Noir or Cabernet Franc)白葡萄酒两 瓶(法加美或加州葡萄或品丽珠葡萄酒)

Triple Sec 2 oz.白橙皮酒

Carbonated Water/Club Soda 2 L冰镇苏打水两升

Cranberry Juice 1 cup 酸果蔓汁一杯(即四毫升)

Lemon Juice 1/3 cups 柠檬汁约1。33盎司

Orange Juice 1 cup 桔汁一杯

Sugar Syrup 3/4 cups 糖浆6盎司

Liqueur (Lychee) 2 oz. 荔枝利口酒

Combine all ingredients, except the soda in a pitcher and chill completely. Sangria should age in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours in order to allow the flavors to develop. Before serving add the club soda. Pour over ice into a highball or pint class. Garnish with fresh fruit.


Redheaded Slut红发懒妇人

Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

Ingredient Amount

jagermeister 1 oz. 猎狮头(德产利口酒,用茴香、龙胆根、薄荷及蜂蜜用香料,呈黑红色甜味适度酒度35%

Schnapps (peach) 1 oz. 桃味酒

Cranberry Juice 3 oz. 酸果蔓汁

Fill tumbler with 1/4 ice. Add ingredients and ask woman with big breasts to shake. Pour into 2 large shotglasses. 平底杯入冰1/4,入料混合入大型子弹杯。

Woo Woo 喔喔

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (peach) 1 oz. 桃味酒

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Cranberry Juice 3 oz.酸果蔓汁

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice. 加冰摇后入加冰杯

Sex With The Bartender 男性调酒师

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

Ingredient Amount

Rum (Light) 1.5 oz. 白兰姆

Schnapps (strawberry) 1.5 oz.草莓酒

Cranberry Juice splash 酸果蔓汁少量(约一毫升)

Orange Juice Fill with 桔汁至满

Mix everything together in glass with ice. 混合入加冰杯

Surfer On Acid 可笑冲浪者

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (coconut) 1/3 oz.

jagermeister 1/4 oz. 猎狮头(德产利口酒,用茴香,龙胆根,薄荷及蜂蜜为调香物,酒液黑红,酒度35,甜)

Pineapple Juice 1/2 oz.凤梨汁

Shake with ice and strain into shot glasses. (For a batch, use 4 parts rum, 3 parts Jagermeister, 5 parts pineapple juice.) 摇后入杯(为成批做,可四份兰姆三份猎狮头五份凤梨汁)

Caribbean Kiss 加勒比海之吻

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯(糖霜杯)

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1 part 阿玛托一份

Rum (dark) 2 parts 深兰姆两份

Kahlua 1 part 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒一份

Cream 2 parts 奶油两份

Sugar (brown) Frost rim 糖或红糖做糖霜杯

Cinnamon 1 dash 肉桂少量

Moisten the rim of a cocktail glass with Kahlua, then dip it in brown sugar. Shake amaretto, Kahlua, rum and cream in a cocktail shaker with ice and strain into the glass. Add a sprinkle of cinammon on top. 摇后入杯饰肉桂粉

Fruit Tingle水果兴奋剂

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Curacao (blue) 1 oz. 蓝香橙

Liqueur (raspberry) 1 oz覆盆子利口酒(法产餐后甜酒。主要原料是覆盆子、草药、蜂蜜等制成。特性:红色酒质,清香的果香味。酒精含量:16.5%)

Lemonade Fill with 柠檬水至满

Fill a highball glass with ice cubes, and pour the Curacao over top. Pour an ounce of raspberry liqueur in at the same time as you fill the glass with lemonade, so that the drink is moderately mixed in the process. The drink is meant to taste like Fruit Tingles lollies (and does!)


Kahlua Kolada咖啡可乐达

Glass to Use

Hurricane glass飓风杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (coconut) 1 splash 兰姆(或椰香酒)少量(约一毫升)

Kahlua 1 part 卡鲁瓦一份

Coconut Milk 1/2 parts 椰奶半份

Pineapple Juice 1/2 parts 凤梨汁半份

Pineapple 1 wedge 凤梨角一

Blend all (except the pineapple slice) with ice cubes until smooth. Pour into hurricane glass, and garnish with a pineapple wedge, orchid flower and cocktail umbrella. Enjoy this original from the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel on the Big Island of Hawaii. 混合入杯,饰以菠萝角兰花。最初从夏威夷莫纳内海湾旅馆传来。

Electric Smurf 导电

Glass to Use

Hurricane glass飓风杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Curacao (blue) 1 oz. 蓝香橙

Rum (coconut) 1 oz. 兰姆(或椰酒)

Pineapple Juice Fill with 凤梨汁至满

Sprite Fill with 不含酒精的碳酸苏打水

Fill lower half of glass with ice cubes. Add rum and curacao. Fill glass half with pineapple juice, and half with Sprite. Stir slightly and serve


Sex On The Beach 性感海滩

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (peach) 1 1/2 oz桃味酒

Vodka 1 1/2 oz. 伏特加

Cranberry Juice 2 oz. 酸果蔓汁

Orange Juice 2 oz. 桔汁

Pineapple Juice 2 oz. 凤梨汁

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a highball glass filled with ice.摇后入加冰杯

Emerald Breeze 翡翠微风

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (coconut) 1 oz. 兰姆(或椰香酒)

Carbonated Water/Club Soda 1 dash 冰镇苏打少量(约一毫升)

Ginger Ale 1 dash 淡色姜啤少量(约一毫升)

Lime Juice 1/4 oz. 莱姆汁

Lime 1 quarter 莱姆1/4份

Sugar Syrup 1 dash 糖浆少量

Liqueur (melon) 1/2 oz. 蜜瓜酒

Shake all except ginger ale and soda with ice in a shaker, then pour over ice in a long cocktail glass and top with ginger ale and soda.


Chocolate Heaven天堂巧克力

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Bailey's Irish Cream 1 part百利甜一份

Kahlua 1 part 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒一份

Liqueur (white chocolate) 1 part (Godet)白色巧克力利口酒一份

Caramel syrup 1/2 tsp. (Hershey's) 焦糖糖浆半茶匙

Pour Kahlua into shot glass, then carefully layer Bailey's and Chocolate Liqueur on top. Drizzle with caramel syrup and enjoy



[Martini]Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (peach) 1 oz.桃味酒

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Orange Juice 1 1/2 oz.桔汁

Pineapple Juice 1 1/2 oz. 凤梨汁

Ambrosia of the gods. Shake all the ingredients together in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. This combination also makes a great blended drink if you blend the ingredients with ice. 摇后入杯

White Russian 白俄罗斯

Glass to Use

Old Fashioned glass古典杯

Ingredient Amount

Kahlua 1 oz. 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Cream 1 oz. 奶油

Build over ice in an old-fashioned glass 混合入杯

Pink Russian 粉色俄罗斯

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Kahlua 1 shot 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒一份

Tequila Rose 1 shot 罗斯特其拉(草莓味,似草莓冰淇淋味)

Vodka 1/2 shot 伏特加半份

Milk Fill with 牛奶至满

Shake liquors with ice; strain into glass. Fill with milk

Strawberries And Cream 草莓奶酪

Glass to Use

Parfait glass帕菲杯(一种矮脚杯,圆筒高身,这个网址有这类杯具http://www.barnonedrinks.com/tips/equipping/glassware.html)

review!Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (strawberry) 1 oz.草莓酒

Cream 2 oz. 奶油

Strawberries 3 草莓三个

Sugar 1 1/2 tbsp. 糖一又二分之一茶匙

Blend everything except one berry with 2 cups crushed ice, until smooth. Serve in a parfait glass with a straw and the last berry as garnish.


Hot Lesbian Sex热情 女恋

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

Ingredient Amount

Rum (overproof/151 proof) splash兰姆(高酒度或151金兰姆)少量约一毫升

Brandy (cherry) 1 part 樱桃白兰地一份

Brandy (peach) 1 part 桃味白兰地一份

Schnapps (peach) 1 part 桃味利口酒一份

Add equal parts of both brandys and the peach schnapps in a shot glass, top with 151, set fire to it and serve


Tequila Sunrise 日出特其拉

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Tequila (white) 2 oz特其拉(无色).

Grenadine 3/4 oz. 石榴汁

Orange Juice 4 oz. 桔汁

Stir orange juice and tequila with ice and strain into a highball glass. Add ice cubes. Pour in grenadine slowly and allow to settle. Stir before drinking.


Wild Child 调皮小孩

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Sour Apple Pucker 1 part 苹果酸酒一份

Vodka 1 part 伏特加一份

7-up 1 splash 七喜少量(约一毫升)

Add everything into a shot glass.入子弹杯

Punch In The Stomach 打卡宾治

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Tequila (gold) 3 oz.金色特其拉

Sprite Fill, 1/2 无酒精碳酸苏打水

Pineapple 1 slice 凤梨片一

Punch, Hawaiian Fill, 1/2 夏威夷水果宾治

Fill a Collins glass halfway with ice. Add tequila, then fill the rest with half sprite, half hawaiian punch, give it a stir, garnish with pineapple slice and enjoy! 可林杯入冰,入特其拉,入一半苏打一半夏威夷水果宾治,轻搅饰菠萝片

Climax 高潮

[Martini]Glass to Use

Cocktail glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1/2 oz. 阿玛托杏仁酒

Liqueur (banana) 1/2 oz. 香蕉利口酒

Vodka 1/2 oz. 伏特加

Creme de Cacao (white) 1/2 oz.白可可酒

Triple Sec 1/2 oz. 白橙皮酒

Cream 1 oz. 奶油

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with cracked ice. Shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Rum Flare兰姆之光

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角醚

review!Ingredient Amount

Brandy 1/2 oz. 白兰地

Rum (white) 1 oz. 白兰姆

Triple Sec 1/2 oz. 白橙皮酒

Lemon Juice 1/2 oz. 柠檬汁

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. 摇后入杯

KO Punch克沃宾治

Glass to Use

Old Fashioned glass古典杯

Ingredient Amount

Cranberry Juice 2 shots 酸果蔓汁两份

Sour Mix 2 shots 酸味剂两份

Sugar Syrup 2 shots 甜味剂两份

Vodka (raspberry) 1 shot 覆盆子伏特加一份

Drink fast so you can have another

Nutty Irishwoman 狂热的爱尔兰女人

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Bailey's Irish Cream 1/2 oz.百利甜

Frangelico 1/2 oz. 榛实酒(酒度24)

Serve in a shot glass. Slainte

Purple Mask紫面具

aka: Grape Ape

[Martini]Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

Ingredient Amount

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Creme de Cacao (white) 1/2 oz白可可酒.

Grape Juice 1 oz. 葡萄汁

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass.


Amaretto Sour阿玛托酸

Glass to Use

Sour glass酸酒杯

Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 2 oz. 阿玛托杏仁酒

Lemon Juice 1 oz. 柠檬汁

Orange(s) 1 slice 桔片一

It takes a bit of skill to make a truly good Amaretto Sour. First of all, use fresh lemon juice whenever possible, and use a chilled sour glass as well. Rub the rim of your glass with a lemon slice, and dip it in bar sugar until the rim is well frosted. Shake amaretto and lemon juice in a shaker, then strain into sour glass. Garnish with an orange slice or maraschino cherry, and enjoy


Blueberry Tea 越桔茶

Glass to Use

Irish Coffee Mug爱尔兰咖啡杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1 oz. 阿玛托杏仁酒

Triple Sec 1 oz. 白橙皮酒

Tea Fill with (hot) 热茶至满

Combine ingredients in a tea or coffee mug. Earl grey tea is good with this recipe 混合入杯

Long Island Iced Tea长岛冰茶

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

Ingredient Amount

Gin 1 part 琴酒一份

Rum (Light) 1 part 白兰姆一份

Tequila (white) 1 part 无色特其拉一份

Vodka 1 part 伏特加一份

Triple Sec 1 part 白橙皮酒一份

Cola Fill with 可乐至满

Sour Mix 2 parts 酸味剂两份

Lemon 1 slice 柠檬片一

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with a few ice cubes. Pour mix into a collins glass, making sure that there is a bit of fizz at the top. Garnish with a lemon slice. 摇后入杯,入可乐饰柠片

Jagerbeer Bomb贼鸥炸弹

Glass to Use

Beer Mug啤酒杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Beer 1 bottle 啤酒一瓶

jagermeister 1 shot猎狮头(德产利口酒,用茴香、龙胆根、薄荷及蜂蜜用香料,呈黑红色甜味适度酒度35%

Pour the beer into a glass, then drop the shot of Jagermeister into it (shot glass optional). Tastes just like root beer.杯入啤酒,再滴入猎狮头

Colorado Bulldog科罗拉多牛头犬

[Highballs]Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Kahlua 2 oz. 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Cola Fill with 可乐至满

Build over ice in a highball glass

Terminology Standard Metric

Raspberry Swirl覆盆子的魔力

Glass to Use

Hurricane glass飓风杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1 oz.阿玛托杏仁酒

Liqueur (raspberry) 1 1/2 oz.覆盆子利口酒

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Ice Cream (Vanilla) 2 cups香草冰淇淋

Blend everything but the raspberry liqueur in a blender and pour into a hurricane glass. Add the raspberry liqueur very slowly while you swirl it in to the drink. 用果汁机搅打入杯,在杯中搅至起漩涡时入覆盆子酒

Creamsicle Dream

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (coconut) 1 1/2 oz.兰姆(椰味)

Orange Juice Fill with 橙汁至满

Ice Cream (Vanilla) 1 scoop 香草冰淇淋一球

You can make this drink as a float by pouring the rum and OJ into a glass and stirring, then adding a scoop of ice cream. You can also mix it all up in a blender if you'd like. It's great either way!可分层,上加香草冰淇淋,也可搅打

Nutty Colada 狂热可乐达

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 3 oz. 阿玛托

Cream of coconut 3 tbsp.椰乳酒三餐匙

Pineapple 3 tbsp. (crushed) 凤梨汁三餐匙

Blend everything in a blender with ice until smooth. Serve in a collins glass with a straw. 搅打入杯加吸管服务

Monkey Balls混乱猴子

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (banana) 1/4 oz. (99 Bananas) 香蕉利口酒

Tequila Rose 3/4 oz.罗斯 特其拉(草莓味,似草莓冰淇淋味)

Float banana liqueur on tequila rose 分层

Hawaiian Cocktail 夏威夷

[Martini]Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Gin 2 oz. 金酒

Triple Sec 1/2 oz.白橙皮酒

Pineapple Juice 1 tbsp. 凤梨汁一餐匙

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass.


A Day At The Beach 海滩的一天

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1/2 oz. 阿玛托杏仁酒

Rum (coconut) 1 oz. 兰姆(椰味)

Grenadine 1/2 oz. 石榴汁

Orange Juice 4 oz. 橙汁

Pineapple Wedge of 凤梨角

Strawberries 草莓

A definite beach drink! Shake everything except your garnishes in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Strain into a highball glass half-full of cubed ice. Serve with pineapple wedge and a strawberry as a garnish.搅拌器法入加冰一半之杯,饰菠萝角及草莓,

Gin and Tonic金汤力

[Rickey]Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Gin 1 1/2 oz. 金酒

Tonic Water Fill with汤力水

Lime 1 twist 莱姆扭条 直调饰莱姆扭条

Build over ice in a highball glass. Garnish with a twist of lime

Fuzz ball绒毛球

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (peach) 1 part 桃味酒一份

Sprite 3 parts 无酒精碳酸苏打

Add ingredients to a highball glass with ice混合入加冰杯


Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Vodka 2 oz. 伏特加

Orange Juice Fill with 橙汁至满

Build over ice in a highball glass直调

Grizzly Bear 灰熊啤酒

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 2 parts 阿玛托杏仁酒两份

jagermeister 2 parts 猎狮头两份(德产利口酒,用茴香、龙胆根、薄荷及蜂蜜用香料,呈黑红色甜味适度酒度35%

Kahlua 2 parts 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒两份

Milk 5 parts 牛奶五份

Build over ice in a highball glass直调入加冰杯

Bongo 大羚羊

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (banana) 1 oz.香蕉利口酒

Curacao (blue) 1 oz. 蓝香橙

Rum (coconut) 1/2 oz. 兰姆(椰味)

Creme de Cacao (white) 1 oz. 白可可酒

Milk 2 oz. 牛奶 不加冰摇后入杯

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker (no ice). Pour into a highball glass

Fuzzy Shark 模糊鲨鱼

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Curacao (blue) 1/2 oz.蓝香橙

Schnapps (peach) 1 1/2 oz. 桃味酒

Orange Juice 4 oz. 橙汁

Ice 1 cup 冰一杯

Blend everything (except curacao) together until smooth. Pour into glass and splash on the curacao.除香橙外混合入杯,再入蓝香橙

Ice Cream Schnapps 成人冰淇淋

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (butterscotch) 1 oz.奶油糖果蒸馏酒

Ice Cream (Vanilla) 1 scoop 香草冰淇淋

Coke (Vanilla) 1/2 cups (regular coke works fine also)香草可乐半杯

Scoop ice cream into glass, pour butterscotch schnapps and coke over top ice cream 杯入冰淇淋,入蒸馏酒及可乐

Sour AppleBall酸苹果

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Sour Apple Pucker 1.5 oz. 酸苹果酒(以荷兰杜松子酒为酒基,酒度30)

Vodka 1/2 oz. 伏特加

Triple Sec 1/2 oz. 白橙皮酒

Sprite 3 oz.无酒精碳酸苏打

Combine all ingredients (except Sprite) into a shaker half filled with ice. Strain contents into a collins glass, then add Sprite. Stir and enjoy!

Funky Cold Medina不平静的麦地那

Glass to Use

Mason Jar带金属螺盖的玻璃瓶

review!Ingredient Amount

Curacao (blue) 1 oz. 蓝香橙

Southern Comfort 1 oz. 南方安逸

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Cranberry Juice Fill with酸果蔓汁至满

Pour everything into a jar with ice

Melon Pants 灯笼裤

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Vodka 1.5 oz. 伏特加

Margarita Mix 1.5 oz玛格丽特混合物(是用糖、水及莱姆汁混合的,用以更方便快捷地做玛格丽特酒)

Liqueur (melon) 1 oz.蜜瓜酒

Fill a collins glass with ice. Add the ingredients and stir. Garnish with a chunk of watermelon if desired. If you have frozen margarita mix (or a blender and some ice), you could always try making a Frozen Melon Pants. Let us know how it goes. 直调,可饰大块的西瓜

Twisted Delight 飞舞的快乐

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Gin 2 oz. 金酒

Sprite Fill with, 1/2半杯无酒精碳酸苏打

Sunny Delight Fill with, 1/2 (Caribbean) 这是饮料的一种,应该是无碳酸气的饮料

Mix all ingredients in glass with ice. 混合入加冰杯

Gay Pirate 海盗盖伊

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Brandy (apricot) 1 oz.杏仁白兰地

Rum (overproof/151 proof) 1 oz. (Bacardi) 调酒度兰姆(百加地)

Rum (coconut) 1 oz. (Malibu) 兰姆(椰味)(玛丽宝)

Lemon Juice splash 柠檬汁少量(约一毫升)

Pineapple Juice fill with 凤梨汁至满

Mix all ingredients together in glass with ice混合入加冰杯

Blow Job 口交

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

Ingredient Amount

Bailey's Irish Cream 3/4 oz. 百利甜

Kahlua 3/4 oz. 卡鲁瓦咖啡酒

Whipped cream Top with 鲜奶油浮其上

This drink is strictly for the ladies! Combine Kahlua and Bailey's in a shot glass, and top with a puff of whipped cream. It must be shot without using your hands! 前二混合,后一浮

Buttery Nipple奶嘴

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Bailey's Irish Cream 1 part 百利甜一份

Schnapps (butterscotch) 1 part 奶油糖果蒸馏酒一份

Layer Irish cream on top of the schnapps in a shot glass分层.

Bazooka Joe 乔式火箭筒

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Bailey's Irish Cream 1/2 oz. 百利甜

Liqueur (banana) 1/2 oz. 香蕉利口酒

Curacao (blue) 1/2 oz. 蓝香橙

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Shake and strain into a shot glass. You can make multiple shots all at once, just keep the ratio of ingredients to 1 part each 混合入杯,改变一定比例可以做出多样的酒

Cabo 烟叶

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Tequila (white) 1 1/2 oz.无色特其拉

Lime Juice 1/4 oz. 莱姆汁

Pineapple Juice 3 oz. 凤梨汁

Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.摇后入杯

Rum And Coke 兰姆可乐

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Rum (Light) 2 oz. 白兰姆

Cola Fill with 可乐至满

Lemon 1 wedge 柠檬角 入酒入可乐,饰柠檬

Build over ice in a highball glass. Garnish with a lemon wedge.

Fuzzy Navel 绒毛脐

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (peach) 1 1/2 oz.桃味蒸馏酒

Orange Juice Fill with 橙汁至满

Orange(s) 1 slice 橙片一

Add ingredients to a highball glass. Garnish with a slice of orange and serve.


Banana Cow 香蕉牛

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (banana) 1 oz. 香蕉利口酒

Rum (Light) 1 oz. 白兰姆

Cream 1 1/2 oz. 奶油

Grenadine 1 dash 石榴汁

Banana 1 slice 香蕉片一

Nutmeg 1 pinch 肉豆蔻粉

Shake rum, creme de banana, cream, and grenadine with crushed ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a banana slice and sprinkle nutmeg on top.


Flaming Dr. Pepper 热情的胡椒博士

Glass to Use

Beer Mug啤酒杯

Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1 oz.阿玛托杏仁酒

Rum (overproof/151 proof) 1 oz.高酒度兰姆 (如151金兰姆)

Beer Fill with, 3/4 啤酒至满

Fill mug with enough beer so that when you drop a shot glass in, it won't overflow. Pour an ounce of amaretto into the shooter and carefully layer the 151 on top. Light the shooter and drop it into the beer. Blow out the flame (optional) and chug it. 杯入啤酒,入阿玛托,上浮151点火

Zombie 蛇神

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (overproof/151 proof) 1/2 oz.高酒度兰姆

Creme de Almond 1/2 oz. 杏仁乳酒

Rum (Light) 1 oz. 白兰姆

Triple Sec 1/2 oz. 白橙皮酒

Orange Juice 1 1/2 oz. 橙汁

Sour Mix 1 1/2 oz. 酸味剂

Cherries/Maraschino(s) 1 樱桃或酒浸樱桃

Shake everything except the 151 rum in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a collins glass over ice and float the 151 on top. Garnish with a cherry.


The Ginfather 金酒之父

Glass to Use

Old Fashioned glass古典杯

Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1 part 阿玛托杏仁酒一份

Gin 1 part 金酒一份

Combine gin and amaretto in and old fashioned glass and mix over ice 混入加冰杯

Dr. Pepper 胡椒博士

Glass to Use

Beer Mug啤酒杯

Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1 oz.阿玛托杏仁酒

Beer 2/3 mug 啤酒2/3杯

Fill a beer mug 2/3 full of beer. Drop a shot glass full of amaretto into the mug, and drink quickly! Tastes just like Dr. Pepper杯入啤酒,入阿玛托


aka: Banana Banshee

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (banana) 1 oz.香蕉利口酒

Creme de Cacao (white) 1/2 oz. 白可可酒

Cream 1 1/2 oz. 奶油

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and serve in a cocktail glass 混合入杯

Cindy's Orchid 淡紫辛迪

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Tequila Rose 1/2 oz. (Baja Rosa) 罗斯特其拉(草莓味,似草莓冰淇淋味)

Liqueur (melon) 1/2 oz. 蜜瓜酒

Pour Baja Rosa in bottom of shot glass, carefully float melon liqueur on top.


Purple Hooter紫色汽笛

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (raspberry) 1 part 覆盆子利口酒一份

Vodka 1 part 伏特加一份

7-up splash 七喜少量

Cranberry Juice 1 part酸果蔓汁一份

Mix together over ice and strain into shot glass. 混合入杯,

The Centurion 军官

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

Ingredient Amount

Beer 100 oz. 啤酒

Possibly the true test of manhood. Drink a shot of beer. Repeat once every minute for the next 100 minutes 成年测试,每次喝下一杯,一定时间内看谁喝得多。

Strawberry Daiquiri 草莓达其利

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

Ingredient Amount

Rum (Light) 1 oz. 白兰姆

Schnapps (strawberry) 1/2 oz.草莓酒

Lime Juice 1 oz. 莱姆汁

Sugar (powdered) 1 tsp.糖粉一茶匙

Strawberries 1 oz. 草莓一个

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass.


Flaming Jesus耶稣之光

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (overproof/151 proof) 1/4 oz. 高酒度兰姆

Vodka 1 1/4 oz. 伏特加

Grenadine 1 splash 石榴汁(约一毫升)

Lime Juice 1 splash 莱姆汁少量(约一毫升)

Pour vodka, lime juice and grenadine into a shooter. Layer the 151 proof on top and light it, then drink. (Blow flame out first.) 入伏特加,莱姆汁、石榴汁,151浮其上

Michelle's Indigo米切尔的坏脸色

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Curacao (blue) 1/2 oz.蓝香橙

Gin 1 1/2 oz. 琴酒

Triple Sec 1 oz. 白橙皮酒

7-up Fill with 七喜至满

Lime Juice 1/2 oz. 莱姆汁

Lime 1 slice 莱妈一片

Sugar 1 tsp. 糖一茶匙

Shake everything but blue curacao, 7-up and sugar in a shaker with ice. Strain into a collins glass filled with ice cubes. Stir in sugar and fill with 7-up. Drop the blue curacao into the center of the drink and serve without stirring.


Godiva Chocolate Covered Banana 戈代娃式巧克力饮

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (dark) 1/2 oz. 深色兰姆

Godiva 2 oz. 戈代娃巧克力酒(酒度17)

Banana 1/2 (sliced) 香蕉片半片

Ice Cream (Vanilla) 1/2 cup 香草冰淇淋(四毫升)

Blend in a bar blender until smooth. Pour into a highball glass and garnish with some of the remaining banana. 果汁机法,入杯饰香蕉

Firefly 萤火虫

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

the review!Ingredient Amount

Vodka 1 oz. 伏特加

Grapefruit Juice 4 oz.柚子汁

Grenadine 1 tsp. 石榴汁一茶匙

Fill a highball glass with cubed ice. Stir in vodka and grapefruit juice. Add the grenadine after stirring, and place it in the center of the drink 杯入方冰,直调入杯

Princess Martini 马提尼公主

[Martini]Glass to Use

Cocktail glass大型三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Gin 1.5 oz. 琴酒

Lemon-lime Soda 1 splash (Fresca) 柠檬或莱姆苏打少量(约一毫升)

Orange Juice 1.5 oz. 橙汁

Pineapple Juice 1.5 oz. 凤梨汁

Pour gin into glass and add equal parts orange juice and pineapple juice. Top up glass with Fresca 入金酒,入橙汁及凤梨汁,

Terminology Standard Metric

Banana Cream Pie 香蕉奶油派

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (banana) 1 oz.香蕉利口酒

Rum (coconut) 1 oz. 兰姆(椰味)

Pineapple Juice Fill with 凤梨汁至满

Fill a highball glass with ice, crushed or cubed, your choice. Add all ingredients and stir. 杯入碎冰或方冰直调

Belgian Blue 蓝色比利时

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Curacao (blue) 1/3 oz.蓝香橙

Liqueur (coconut) 1/3 oz. 椰子利口酒

Vodka 2/3 oz. 伏特加

Sprite Fill with 无酒精碳酸苏打

COmbine ingredients in a highball glass 混合入杯

Fruit Sala Daquiri水果沙拉达其利

Glass to Use


review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (Light) 5 oz. 白兰姆

Pina Colada Mix 2 oz.品那可乐达混合物(即凤梨汁、糖、水混合物,方便做可乐达饮品)

Strawberries 7 草莓七个

Ice 1 cup 冰一杯

Watermelon 2 slices 西瓜片二 混合入杯

Blend everything until smooth. Add more ice for desired consistency

Milk 'n' Cookies 牛奶曲奇

Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (vanilla) 1/5 oz.香草利口酒

Creme de Cacao (white) 1 1/2 oz. 白可可酒

Milk Fill with 牛奶至满

Combine ingredients in a collins glass. Fill with milk.


Amor De Cosmos 爱神的天空

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Whiskey (Canadian) 1 1/2 oz.加拿大威士忌

Carbonated Water/Club Soda 1 splash 苏打或冰镇苏打水少量(约一毫升)

Cranberry Juice 1 oz. 酸果蔓汁

Ginger Ale 1 splash 淡色姜啤约一毫升

Grenadine 1 tbsp 石榴汁一茶匙

Cherries/Maraschino(s) 1 樱桃或黑樱桃一饰

Fill a cocktail shaker 1/3 full of ice, and add whiskey, cranberry juice and grenadine. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Top off with a splash of carbonated water and a splash of ginger ale. Put a cherry in the middle


Bloody Mary 血玛丽

Glass to Use

Old Fashioned glass古典杯

Ingredient Amount

Vodka 1 1/2 oz. 伏特加

Lemon Juice 1 dash 柠檬汁

Tomato Juice 3 oz. 蕃茄酱

Lime 1 wedge 莱姆片

Tabasco Sauce 2 or 3 drops塔巴斯科辣酱油 三滴

Worcestershire Sauce 1/2 tsp. 伍特斯郡酱油半茶匙

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a rocks glass over ice cubes. Garnish with a wedge of lime, and salt and pepper if desired.


Willie The WildcatZ野猫威利

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (raspberry) 1 oz.覆盆子利口酒 (法产餐后甜酒。主要原料是覆盆子、草药、蜂蜜等制成。特性:红色酒质,清香的果香味。酒精含量:16.5%)

Schnapps (watermelon) 1 oz. 西瓜利口酒

Schnapps (wild berry) 1 oz.野莓果利口酒

7-up Fill with 七喜至满

Combine ingredients in a highball glass 混合入杯

Scorpion Bowl 蝎子碗

Glass to Use


Ingredient Amount

Rum (overproof/151 proof) 2 oz.高度兰姆

Rum (dark) 1 oz. 深兰姆

Gin 2 oz. 琴酒

Vodka 2 oz. 伏特加

Rum (white) 2 oz. 白兰姆

Grenadine 2 oz. 石榴汁

Orange Juice 4 oz. 橙汁

Pineapple Juice 4 oz. 凤梨汁

Fill pitcher with about 10 oz. of ice. Add liqueurs. Mix in juice, top with grenadine and then stir well. Makes enough for 2-5 people.


Macbeth 麦克白(莎士比亚悲剧《麦克白》主人公)

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 2 tsp. 阿玛托杏仁酒两茶匙

Curacao (blue) 2 tsp. 蓝香橙两茶匙

Whiskey (Scotch) 2 oz. 苏格兰威士忌

Lemon Juice 1/2 oz. 柠檬汁

Sugar 1 tsp. 糖一茶匙

Shake ingredients with ice; strain into a cocktail glass. 摇后入杯

Horny Monkey 猴子角

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Liqueur (banana) 1 part香蕉利口酒一份

Sambuca (black) 1 part 萨姆布卡(黑色)一份(材料中有茴芹香味,现在更具变化。是种类于茴香酒但酒度高于茴香酒的利口酒)

Pour in Sambuca, and float the banana liqueur on top 萨姆布卡先入,分层

Wonderful Dream 美梦

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

Ingredient Amount

Pisang Ambon 2/3 oz. 皮桑安布(此酒甜,有明亮的绿色,用药草及绿香蕉味

Vodka 2/3 oz.伏特加

Triple Sec 1/3 oz. 白橙皮酒

Orange Juice 2 oz. 橙汁

Pineapple Juice 2/3 oz.凤梨汁

Banana 3 slices 香蕉三片

Lemon 1 wedge 柠檬一片

Combine ingredients (except lemon and banana) in shaker and shake well. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish the glass with the lemon wedge and add a few banana slices to the drink. Serve with a straw. 入搅拌器搅打入杯,饰柠檬片及少许香蕉片,加吸管服务

Bailey's Comet 彗星百利

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (overproof/151 proof) 1 tbsp. 高度兰姆一茶匙

Bailey's Irish Cream 1 1/2 oz. 百利甜

Schnapps (butterscotch) 1 1/2 oz. 奶油糖果味蒸馏酒

Goldschlager 3/4 oz. 肉桂味蒸馏酒(有24K黄金,酒度40)

Cinnamon 1 dash 肉桂少量

Shake the Irish Cream, Butterscotch Schnapps and Goldschlager with ice in a cocktail shaker and strain into a cocktail glass. Put a shallow layer of 151-proof rum on top. Light the rum on fire, then immediately sprinkle a generous dash of cinammon on top. The cinnammon will sparkle and flame. Don't let it burn too long, or the irish cream will curdle!


Apricot Cocktail杏仁酒

Glass to Use

Cocktail glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Brandy (apricot) 1 1/2 oz.杏仁白兰地

Gin 1 tsp. 琴酒一茶匙

Lemon Juice 1/2 oz. 柠檬汁

Orange Juice 1 oz. 橙汁

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Use chilled orange juice, and make sure you shake well.


Pineapple Wine Cooler 凤梨库勒

[Cooler]Glass to Use

Collins glass三角杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Wine (white) 3 oz. 白葡萄酒

Carbonated Water/Club Soda 2 oz.苏打水或冰镇苏打水

Pineapple Juice 1 oz. 凤梨汁

Sugar (powdered) 1 tsp. 糖灯一茶匙

Shake everything except soda with ice; strain into a collins glass. Add 2 oz. of soda and garnish with a pineapple spear if desired


Champagne Punch香槟宾治

[Punch]Glass to Use

Punch Bowl宾治盆

review!Ingredient Amount

Champagne 4 bottles香槟四瓶

Liqueur (maraschino) 8 oz. 黑樱桃利口酒

Rum (white) 1 bottle 白兰姆一瓶

Triple Sec 16 oz. 白橙皮酒

Carbonated Water/Club Soda 8 oz.苏打水和冰镇苏打水

Ginger Ale 8 oz. 淡色姜啤

Pineapple Juice 3 cups chilled unsweetened 凤梨汁三杯(24盎司)不加糖的冰镇凤梨汁

Combine all the spirits (but not the champagne) in a punch bowl and chill for at least an hour. Before serving, add the champagne, ginger ale, and carbonated water. Put a nice ice sculpture in the middle


Canada Dream 加拿大之梦

Glass to Use

Highball glass海波杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Amaretto 1 oz. 阿玛托杏仁酒

Brandy (apricot) 1 oz. 杏仁白兰地

Orange Juice 3 oz.橙汁

Shake everything with ice and pour into a highball glass with ice.



Glass to Use

Collins glass可林直杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Whiskey (Canadian) 3/4 oz.加拿大威士忌

Southern Comfort 1 oz. 南方安逸

Cola Fill with 可乐至满

Lime Juice 1 splash 莱姆少量

Pour rye over ice, adding cola, southern comfort, and lime. Stir and serve.


Magnolia #2木兰

Glass to Use

Sour glass酸酒杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Rum (coconut) 2 shots兰姆(椰味) 两份

Dr. Pepper 3 shots 褐色碳酸无酒精饮料三份

Grenadine 1 shot 石榴汁一份

Mix everything together. 混合入杯

Santa Claus Is Coming 圣诞老人来啦

[Shooter]Glass to Use

Shot glass子弹杯

review!Ingredient Amount

Schnapps (cinnamon) 1/2 oz. 肉桂蒸馏酒

Rumple Minze 1/2 oz. 胡椒薄荷酒(酒度50)

Whipped cream Top with 鲜奶油浮其上

Liqueur (melon) 1/2 oz. 蜜瓜酒

Use a large shot glass. Layer ingredients and top with whipped cream (the "snow"). 用大型子弹杯,分层,上为奶油。

Terminology Standard Metric

术语 标准 米制

Dash/Splash 1/32 oz. .9 ml.


Teaspoon 1/8 oz. 3.7 ml.


none 1/3 oz. 9.17 ml. or ~1 cl.

Tablespoon 3/8 oz. 11.1 ml. or ~1.1 cl.


Pony 1 oz. 29.5 ml. or ~3 cl.


Jigger 1 1/2 oz. 44.5 ml. or ~4.5 cl.


Wineglass 4 oz. 119 ml. or ~12 cl.


Split 6 oz. 177 ml. or ~17.5 cl.


Cup 8 oz. 257 ml. or ~25.5 cl.

Tenth 12.68 oz. 375 ml.


Fifth 25.36 oz. 750 ml.


Quart 33.81 oz. 1 litre

夸脱 公升

Gallon 美式为128.14 oz 美式为3.79升,英式为4.55升

加仑 英式为153.84 oz
