宋氏讲座:《外贸函件速成模式》第五章 装运

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宋氏讲座:《外贸函件速成模式》第五章 装运



宋德利 著







第一章 询盘及报盘



卖方在售价决定后,接着就要向买方开出报价单,或写报价信,前者叫quotation form, 后者叫quotation letter ,都可简称quotation,内容包括货品名称、数量、规格、包装条件、所开价格、付款条件、交货期限和有效期等。


信末最好用强劲的断语,比如:相信短期内就能收到您的订单。(We trust to have your order shortly.)





I have seen one of your shirts in the store of a local firm with whom I have regular dealing and they have recommended you as a maker of reliable and at the same time inexpensive garments. Please send me a copy of your catalogue. I am particularly interested in woolen piece goods.


1. local firm: 本地公司。Local 本题中作“当地”解。其它相近的意思如“地方的”。地方工业,local industry. 地方民族主义,local nationalism.还有作“当地的”解。当地时间,local time. 更有作“局部”解,如局部战争,a local war. 局部麻醉,local anaesthesia. 当然在美国最常用的日常意思是“慢车”的“慢”。相应的“快车”中的“快”是express, 而不是quick 和fast。Firm, 本文作“公司”解。其它还有“坚定”等解释。

2. recommend: 此字最基本的解释是“推荐”。向某人推荐某人某物。比如,我愿向您推荐此书。I would like to recommend this book to you. 我愿推荐他为模范业务员。I would like to recommend him as a model businessman. 再如本题中的recommended you as a maker of ----garments. 推荐贵公司为----服装制造商。此外,这个词还可作“托付”解。如,I’d like to recommend my little son to your care. 我想把我的小儿子托付给您照料。

3. woolen piece goods:羊毛面料,毛料,呢绒布料。piece goods:面料,匹头,非成衣面料。





Your attention is drawn to the facts that the price we quoted is on an FOB Seattle basis instead of on either FAS Seattle or CIF Hong Kong basis and that our offer will be valid until May 31, 2006. As the demands for cotton piece goods have been very heavy of late, your early decision and reply are requested.


1. FOB:船上交货,是Free On Board 之略所语,这是按英文字面的直译,按照实际含义,也叫离岸价格,请注意随后的详解。

2. FAS:船边交货,是Free Alongside Ship之略缩语。

3. CIF:到岸价,是Cost , Insurance and Freight之略缩语。

这三者的区别在哪里呢?通俗一点说,FOB船上交货,也叫离岸价格,是说把货物安全装到船上就万事大吉,至于此后海上出什么事,到了对方出什么事,一概不管。因此风险小。而FAS船边交货,风险更小,因为只要把货物安全运到船跟前的地面上就万事大吉,从货物离开地面的那一时刻起,出了什么事一概不负责任,即便货物从空中掉在地上摔碎了,也没有责任。而CIF到岸价格风险最大,因为卖方要负责货物在抵达对方港口之前的一切风险。也即是说,从货物离开卖方仓库,到进入大海,海上遇到风浪、海啸、海盗等等一切原因造成的损失都要负责,当然价格要贵得多,因为里面包含有保险I (insurance的缩写) 。一般来讲,在外贸业务中,用 FOB:或CIF比较多,起码在笔者长期从事外贸工作期间,不记得曾经遇到过使用FAS的情况。

4. demands for cotton piece goods,对棉布的需求。注意,demands 用的是复数形式,而且后面接for,类似的还有order for, 关于何物的订单,也用for连接。





We have recently received a number of requests for your lightweight raincoats and have good reasons to believe that we could place regular orders with you provided your prices are competitive.


1. provided,只要。

2. your prices are competitive, 贵司的价格具有竞争性。competitive, 有竞争性的。形容价格的词非常之多,现列于下,以供参考:

net price,净价,实价;

good price, 好价钱;

gross price, 毛价;

half price,半价;

hard price,稳定的高价,高而不降的价格;

heavy price,昂,高价;

highest price,最高价;

inbond price,未完税价;

absolute price,绝对价格;

accounting price,结算价格;

actual price, 实际价格;

administered price,管制价格,限价;

advanced price,上涨了的价格;

all-round price,全价;

asked price,卖主的开价;

average price, 平均价格;

bargain price, 廉价,对买主有利的价格;

base price,基础价格, 基价;

bedrock price, 最低价格;

bid price, 买主的出价;

black market price,黑市价格;

blanket price, 总括格,一揽子价;

buyer’s price, 对买主有利的价格,低价;

buying price,买价;

cash price, 现金价格;

ceiling price,最高价格;

closing price,收盘价格;

comparable price, 可比价格;

cost price,成本价格,生产价格;

current price, 时价,市价;

delivered price, 包括运费的价格;

demand price,需求价格;

discount price, 打过折扣的价格;

exceptional price,特价;

excessive price,过高的价格;

extra price,附加价格;

fair price, 合理的价格;

just price,公平价格;

favorable price, 实惠价格,优惠价格;

firm price,固定价格;

flexible price, 灵活价格;

floor price,最低价格。





We feel sure you will realize that our quoted price is very reasonable, but we are anxious to do what we can to help you to establish your new business and are prepared to allow you a special first-order discount of 3% if payment of the account is made within one month.


1. feel sure, 感到有把握,因此含相信之义,当然也可以译成believe.

2. anxious to do what we can, 急欲尽一切力量。anxious,此处没有焦急焦虑之义。“尽一切力量”还可译作try one’s best, do one’s utmost, make every effort, spare no effort.

3. allow you a special first-order discount of 3%, 愿给予贵方第一份订单百分之三的特别折扣。allow,基本意思是“允许”,“让某人得到”之义。

4. The account is made,付款。





We have been producing these products for almost half a century and they have been sold throughout the world to the fullest satisfaction of our customers. Therefore, we are sure that both quality and the workmanship of our products would meet with your approval.


1。We have been producing,我们一直在生产,使现在完成进行时态,不同于现在完成时态。完成进行时态更全面,不仅表示现在已经完成某种动作,而且这种动作现在依然在进行。

2。Meet with your approval, 获得贵方赞许。Meet with 有不同的含义:1,偶然见到或碰到。如This sort of persons are rarely met with in our company. 这号人在我们公司极其少见。2。得到赞许、满意等。The plan has met with approval. 这一计划获得批准。We will do our best to meet with the requirement of the customers. 我们要努力去满足客户的要求。

第二章 推销












We are sorry to notice that we have had no orders from you since last April. As you have at no time complained either about our products or about the quality of our service, we can only assume that we have given you no cause to be dissatisfied. If we have, then we should be glad to know of it.


1。Complain, 抱怨。与此相似的还有grumble, murmur. He is always complaining about something. 他常常抱怨什么事。I shall complain before the court regarding his evil doing. 我将向法院控诉他的劣迹。He complained to the teacher of Tom’s dishonesty. 他向老师告汤姆的作弊行为。He complains of hunger. 他为饥饿所苦。He complains of pain in the head. 他患头疼病。He complains of his son’s misconduct. 他抱怨儿子行为不端。I have nothing to complain of. 我没有可抱怨的事。Complain 作“抱怨”解时,是说别人待他不公,因而向他人诉说。凡称为complain的,总是对他人诉说。Grumble, 发怨言。别人待他不公,但并不一定向他人诉说,只是自对自地发怨言。Murmur, 发怨言。此字的意义与grumble相同,不一定向他人诉说,只是自己对自己发牢骚。

2.Assume, 相信。但此处有猜测之义。How can you assume me to be responsible for it? 你怎么能臆断我该对这件事负责呢?I assume that it is so. 我假定它是这样。除作“假定、假设”解,还作“假装”解。例如:They assume an air of gravity. 他们佯装倨傲状。He assumed the great man. 他装出伟人的气概。His look of happiness is only assumed. 他那欢乐的样子完全是假装的。The man assumed modest. 那人假作谦虚。He took an assumed name. 他用了假名。此外,还可作“承担、担当”解。如:I assumed the responsibility. 我负责。





With reference to our estimate of the 23rd August, we shall be glad to know whether we can be of further service to you.


Estimate, 此处指估价单。本意为估价、评价、预算。We need to make an estimate beforehand. 我们事先需要预算好。At a rough estimate, 依据大约的计算。以上诸例中,estimate 都是名词。还可以作动词用。The expense is estimated a three millions. 这项费用预算三百万元。It is estimated that five hundred dollars will be appropriated to him. 预计将拨给他五百元。与estimate相类似的词有value, 二者有何区别呢?estimate, 估计。意思是给予一个价值,尤指给予一个不确定的价值。You estimate his worth too highly. 他对他的价值估计过高了。而value,重视,意思是做高的估价。The manager highly valued my work. 经理十分重视我的工作。另外,He valued the machine at 20,000 dollars. 他估计这台机器价值两万元。





We desire to refer to our quotation of the 15th May and our yesterday’s call. We hope that you have now had an opportunity of comparing our prices, and that the result is favorable to us.


Quotation, 外贸术语,报价单。此处不是“引述”。Refer to our quotation, 此处作“提及、谈到”解。此外,refer 还有不少用法。Most diseases are referred (or are referable) to the action of bacilli. 多数疾病都归因于细菌的活动。I referred to his former employer for his character. 我向他的旧雇主探查他的品行。I have examined all the documents referring to the matter. 关于这件事的所有文件我都查阅过。I referred the question to the company. 我把那问题交到公司解决。As I can’t answer your question, I refer you to my manager. 因为我不能回答你的问题,请去向我的经理请教。I beg to refer you to my manager for my work. 请向我的经理探询我的工作情况。





We were pleased to receive your inquiry, and trust you received our sample No.205 sent to you on June 13th. Now that you have had a chance to examine what we have to offer, we thought you might like to make a trial order. To make this easier for you we are enclosing an order form.


1。Trust, 相信,信任。于此相似的还有belief, credit, faith. 这三者的区别何在呢?Belief, 信仰。最普通的用语。Credit, 信用。特指商业上的信用。Belief, trust, faith 这三个词都含有宗教信仰的意味。Credit 一词中决不含有这种意义。Faith, 信心。当它特指宗教的信仰时,那是belief 和trust这两个词结合起来的意义。而trust 在商业上用得较多。

2。Receive, 收到。与其相似的有accept, 二者的区别十分微妙。Receive, 收到,是收到他人奉献的或赠送的物品。此词指的是受动的行为,表示的仅仅是受取,没有满意或承诺的含义。例如单单接受请帖,称为receive. 如果说不仅接受,而且还应许前往参加,那就要用accept. Receive 仅仅表示不拒绝,而accept 还表示满意地接受之义。在accept的意义中,含有receive的意味,而在receive的意义中,却不含有accept 的意味。如:I have received a letter from him. 我收到他的一封信。Accept,接纳。在receive的意义中,再加上接纳或承诺的意味,它就成了accept的意义,指好意的接纳。如:He accepted our payment terms. 他接受了我们的付款条件。注意:accept主要用作及物动词,但也可以作不及物动词,而在后面接of, 表示较为正式的意味,又含有谦让的意味。如:I accept (of) your offer. 我接受你的报盘。





In all probability this offer will not be repeated for some time, and we accordingly look forward to receiving an early reply from you, then we should be pleased to demonstrate the complete range of these novelties.


In all probability, 大概,或然。In all probability our plan will succeed. 我们的计划大概会成功。In all probability I shall never see him again. 我大概永远也不能再见他了。There is little probability that he will come. 他会来的希望很渺茫。There is no probability of his coming. 他不会来。Do you think there is no longer any probability that I shall see him again? 你以为我不再有可能见到他吗?There is every probability that he will not come. 他颇有不来的可能。What are the probabilities? The probability is that he will come. 希望如何?大概他会来的。

第三章 订购























We want to tell you how pleased we were with your order because it represents our first dealing with you. We have always felt that our high quality merchandise should have a ready sale in a fashionable shop like yours.


Dealing,交易。表示“交易”的词还有business, trade 以及transaction等。与之相关的词语还有:cash transaction, 现金交易;credit transaction, 赊账交易。Make a deal, 做成一笔交易。Trade fair or commodities fair, 商品交易会。A dirty political deal, 肮脏的政治交易。Never barter away principles, 决不拿原则做交易。I have no dealings with him. 我和他没有来往。This company has extensive dealings with all the world. 这家公司又极其广泛的世界贸易。Deal 作动词有“经营”之意。如:He deals in books, furniture, hardware, spices, tea and textiles. 他经营书籍、家具、五金、香料、茶叶和纺织品。I deal at his shop. 我到他的店内去进行交易。We deal with that firm. 我们与那家公司有生意往来。Dealer, 商人。He is a dealer in fish, fruit, clothes and second-hand books. 他是一名鱼商、水果商、服装商和旧书商。He is a retail and wholesale dealer in corn. 他是谷物零售商和批发商。





We cannot guarantee delivery by next Friday as your order was received too late for this week’s dispatch, but we are putting your goods on rail, and they will reach you more quickly than if we wait for the next van delivery.


1。Despatch, 等于dispatch, 发送。I dispatched him a telegram. 我给他发了一个电报。The messenger was dispatched to my parents. 该邮差被打发到我父母那儿去了。Despatch 还有“赶快了结事情”的意思。如:He shows ability in the dispatch of business. 他显示出赶办急事的能力。They concluded the negotiation with dispatch.他们谈判结束得很快。此外,还有“急信”、“公文之意。如:He received a New York cable dispatch. 他收到一封来自纽约的电报。The letter was sent by dispatch. 该信用快递寄出。与despatch意思相同或相近的词还有send和forward. Send, 送,意味极广。如说:送信、送小包、送东西。还有作“差遣”解,如差遣使者等。He sent it (to) me.他把它送给我。He sent it to me. 这是美国说法。He sent it me. 这是英国说法。Forward, 发送,运送。比如说发送或运送信件、小包、物品等。These goods are to be forwarded. 这些货物必须发运出去。

2。Putting your goods on rail, 以铁路交运货物。此持的put on 没有“穿、戴”之意,其内在含义是将某物托交或推诿给某人。





We have already written to you twice urging dispatch, and as you have failed to deliver these goods on the date asked, we are obliged, very regretfully, to cancel this order.


Urge, 催促。表示这个意思的还有hasten, hurry, press. He hastened me to write him a letter. 他催我给他写一封信。Go and hurry him up. 去催他一下。They pressed us to ship the goods as soon as possible.他们催我尽快装货。此外还有expedite, speed up等。Expedite 有加快(进程)和促进(措施)等之义。That will expedite the matter. 那将加速事情的进展。The spring wind speeds the greening of the plants. 春风催绿。Speed the process of digestion, 促进消化作用。Speed the construction pace, 加快建设步伐。现在再回过头来看一看urge. 除“催促”之义外,还有一些别的意思,诸如:推进、强求、怂恿等。请看:urge an argument, 极力陈说。urge a fact on one’s attention, 力劝某人注意某某事。I urge him to an explanation. 我强迫他说。He urged his horse forward.他策马前进。I urged him on. 我激励他。He urged his flight southwards.他急忙向南方逃避。I urged upon him that he must persevere. 我力劝他要忍耐。 这句话还可以这样说:I urged upon him the necessity of perseverance. ( or “I urged him to persevere.” or “I said that he must persevere.”) I urged him to resign. 我力劝他辞职。He urged me to come. 他力请我来。Please do not urge (or press) me to eat anything more. 请不要再劝我吃了。





We have now pleasure in sending you an order for the Chinese fabrics as per the particulars enclosed. Kindly note that the goods are to be delivered in exact accordance with the samples. If this first trial order turns out satisfactory and of good value, large an increasing business may result.


Note, 注意。Pay attention to methods of work, 注意工作方法。Care must be taken to unite with all those that can be united with. 必须团结一切可以团结的人. I didn’t notice when he came in. 我没有注意他是何时进来的。Look out! We are ready to last. 注意!马上就要点炮了。Attention, 注意力。Matters needing attention (or points for attention), 注意事项。此外,还有notice 和drawn … attention to 等。在notice, pay attention to, draw … attention to之间有些区别。Notice作“注意到”、“认识到”解,表示注意的结果。例如:He didn’t notice me entering .他没有看到我进来。I didn’t notice any difference between the two. 我没有注意到这两者之间有什么不同。Pay attention to, 注意和留心的意思,表示注意的过程。例如:Please pay attention to this difficult point. 请注意这个难点。He does not pay much attention to his work. 他不大注意自己的工作。Draw …attention to 作“引起。。。注意”解。例如:I should like to draw your attention to the meaning of this paragraph. 我要提醒你们注意这一段的意思。





We thank you for order of August 5, for 5,000 yds. Cotton piece goods but regret that we are unable to execute the order from stock, owing to the heavy demand recently for these fabrics. Our suppliers have, however, undertaken to replenish our stock within seven days and we trust that it will not be inconvenient for you to allow us this extension.


Execute, 完,执行。与此相似的词还有不少,请参看下面数例:finish, complete, accomplish, end, achieve, effect, fulfil(l), discharge. 试分析其间的区别如下:

*finish:完结。此词是to bring to an end之意。常兼含“最后”与“完工”的意思。如to finish a picture or a letter 等,它所指的“完成”通常是很细微的,而且又是外表的部分,不过它的意义与complete不同。此外,finish所指的只是完成日常的琐事,而achieve所指的是伟大的功绩。不过清注意:“已经完了”的意味在英国多用finish,而在美国则多用through. 如:我已做完那件工作。I have finished that job.(英语)I am through with that job.(美语)


*accomplish,做成,成就。此字是working toward the end (以结束为目标的完成)之义。指实现一项计划。


*end, 终了。这是一个最单纯和最不一定的用语。比如说我们这个世界在天地创造的最后一日已经finish,但直至今日却尚未end. 不过,既然已经有一个开端,那就必定有一个end. 一件事,很可能永远不能finish或complete, 但迟早总要end.

*achieve, 成遂。指在困难的情况下成就的意思,暗示着“困难”与“重大”的意味。例如说,成遂夙愿、目的、计划、大事业等。

*effect, 完成。有不怕反抗或阻碍而完成某事的意味。与accomplish十分相似。

*execute: 实现,旅行。现在再回过头来说execute 与 effect之间的区别。Effect, 着眼所做事情的全部而言,而execute则着眼所做事情得到最后阶段。再者,execute所指的通畅是受他人之命的事情,有时又知行动的方式。例如说:履行计划、企图目的、职务、阴谋、法律和上司命令等。

*fulfill, 履行。指履行所命令、所期待、所希望的事,含有义务的意味。例如说,利履责任、义务、职务、债务等。

第四章 资信调查

在商界,除了商业书信之外,最常用,而又最重要的商业文件要算是信用证了。Credit一词由拉丁文 credo而来。字面上的意思是“我相信”。今天引申为卖方相信买方在指定时间之内对所购货物有付款能力,所指定的时间一般来说是30天,也有长达60天或90天的。这要依据买主是批发还是零售的性质而定。



1. 信用证大多由购货人直接请求银行开立,也有由买方先向卖方提供一家征信银行(征求咨询信用的银行)名称地址,要求他们向这家银行咨询买方的信用情况。

2. 开出信用证的银行根据帐户来往情况提供有利或不利的资料,信用证被列为机密文件。

3. 购货人受到货物后,见到与信用证规定的条件完全相符,才让银行将货款付给售货人。有了这种保障,可以使交易更加顺利稳妥。

4. 开立信用证的银行通知国外联行依据条件付款;售货人只需条件相符,即可取得货款。






We shall appreciate your providing us with an opinion as to the credit standing, respectability and responsibility of the following firm:


Provide, 提供,供应。除此之外还可作“准备”、“预备”等解。It is wise to provide against accident. 预防万一是明智的。He has provided will for the children.他已为子女的生活做好准备。We are well provided with clothing. 我们的衣服齐备无缺。You should provide against the evil day. 你应对不幸的日子常备不患。He has a large family to provide for. 他要供应一个人口众多的家庭。We must be provided with food for the journey. 我们必须把旅行所需的食品准备好。请注意辨别provide for 与provide against. Provide for, 为什么事情而准备;养活。如:We must provide passport for the journey. 我们必须为旅行准备好护照。Provide against, 为什么而预防。特指预防意外,诸如灾难、恶劣天气等。如:We must provide against accident. 我们应该预防事故。





We shall be very happy to supply you with goods on credit. However, as this is the first time we have done business with you, we would ask you to let us have the name and address of your bank and one or two firms to enable us to apply for references.


Apply for, 申请。For further particulars (or details or information), please apply to the agent or at the following address. 若想知道较多的情况,请向代理人或下面的地址询问。He is applying for an appointment. 他请求录用。He apply to them for assistant.他请求他们帮助。The rule does not apply to this case. 这条规则不适于此事。He applied a match to gun-powder.他用火柴点火药。Apply in your own handwriting. 请亲笔写信请求。He applied himself closely to the study of English. 他专心研究英语。I applied to him for information. 我向他探听消息。Apply by letter to Mr. Wang. 请用信件方式向王先生请求。If you have any difficulty, apply to me. 倘若你有任何困难,可找我帮助。He applied his mind to business.他专心于业务。This house is to let, apply next door.这房子出租,可向邻居询问。He applied to the manager for pardon. 他向经理请求原谅。Apply in person to…, 向某人接洽。也可以说apply personally to …The money was applied to the payment of debts. 该款项被用于付款。He applied a rule. 他应用一条规则。The same applies to…对于什么也是如此。She applied for a position as teacher. 她谋求教职。





When opening a new account it is our practice to ask customers for trade references. Will you therefore please send us the names and addresses of two other suppliers with whom you have dealings?


Reference,此词意思很多。其中之一就是本段文字中的意思,即信用、能力等的证明人。请看其它用法。一般来讲,是作“关于、谈到(和介词to连用)”解。1. with reference to 和in reference to 同义,多用于句子开头。以前者较普通,with 和in 也可以省略。With ( In ) reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight.关于付款,我们除见票即付的信用证之外,其它不接受。2. make reference to…谈到、参考。In your letter, you have made reference to discount. 你在信中谈到折扣问题。Please make reference to Term 8 of our agreement. 请参阅我们的协议第八条。3. without reference to --- 不论、不管。We do not think it right to compare prices without reference to quality. 我们认为只是比较价格而不顾及质量是不妥的。4. for one’s reference, 供某人参考。For your reference we enclose an analysis of the test we have made. 兹附上化验结果一份,供你参考。We shall appreciate it if you will send some up-to-date patterns for our reference. 如果寄给我们一些最新花样作参考,将不胜感激。5. (信用证、能力等的)见证人。Their reference is the Bank of China. 证明者是中国银行。(他们的信用可由中国银行证明。)





This company was organized in 1950 with a capital of US$800,000 and it has now increased to one million US dollars. Their balance sheet published in February this year indicates net profit at approximately US$100,000. They have enough money to pay for this shipment.


Profit, 名词:利润、利益。 They accepted the offer to start the ball rolling, disregarding profit. 他们接受这个报盘,仅为做一个开端,并不计较利润。We gained profit from the experience. 经验使我们获得益处。动词:(指人)获益,(指物)有利于。We believe you will profit by confining your offers to a limited number of firms. 我们相信你们将报盘集中于少数几家商号是有益的。Such an arrangement does not profit either part. 这样一种安排对双方都没有好处。He bent solely upon profit. 他专图获利。This new paper has a clear profit of 1,000 dollars a day on advertisement alone. 这家报纸单在广告方面每天就有一千元的纯利。No profit will come in. 无利可获。There will certainly be a profit in the end. 最后一定可以获利。He has a profit on everything he sells. 他所卖的东西都获利。I hope to sell them at a good profit.我希望能以厚利将它们卖掉。He makes a profit. 他获利了。He does his work for personal profit. 他工作起来仅仅是为了个人的私利。It is sold at a profit of twenty cents. 它以赚两角钱的利润卖出去了。I have not made any profit by the silk trade this year. 今年我不曾靠丝绸生意获利。I hope to profit from your advice. 我希望能从你的劝告中获益。 You may profit by the example of others. 你可以从别人的榜样中获益。It will not profit him. 它不会使他获益。You should profit by every opportunity of speaking English. 你应利用每次说英语的机会。What will it profit him? 这对他有何益处?





Messrs. Smith & Co., in your city, desire to open an account with us, and have given your name as a reference. Will you favor us with two references, as we have hitherto had no business transaction with you.


Messrs. Smith & Co.,为何史密斯公司前面要加Messrs., 有的公司就不加?原因是史密斯公司的名称是由人名构成的,就这样简单。假如不是由人名,而是别的样式,比如红星公司,只写Red-star Co.即可。那么Messrs.是什么意思呢?就是先生,是Mr.的复数形式。而Messrs.则是法语词Messieurs的缩写。再者,Messrs.既然能是复数形式,那就要记住句子谓语不要用单数。最后,Messrs.经常用缩写形式:M/S,因此Messrs. Smith & Co.可以,而且经常写成M/S Smith & Co.

Open an account,开立一个帐户。account有较多的说法。名词和动词形式相同。先看名词。1。帐目,帐(略缩a/c),外贸书信中常见的短语有:for one’s account, 由某人支付。We bought the goods for the account of Messrs. Peterson & Co.这些货物是我们代彼得森公司购买的。We bought the goods for our own account.这些货物是我们自己购买的。The additional charges will be for our account.附加费由我方承担。The additional charges are to be for your account. 附加费由你方承担。The extra freight is to be for buyers’ account.额外运费由买方承担。2。理由,原因(on account of,由于,因为)。We cannot accept fresh orders on account of heavy sales.由于大量售出,我们不能接受新订单。On account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transshipment in your L/C. 因为没有直达轮船,请在你的信用证中注明准许转船。On account of difference in taste, your designs do not suit this market. 由于趣味不同,你的图案不适于此间市场。The price dropped on account of large offerings from other sources. 由于来自其它方面的大量报盘,价格已经下跌。3。考虑(take…into account, 对。。。加以考虑或注意)。Price is not the only factor; you have to take the quality into account. 价格不是唯一因素,你方也必须考虑到质量。We agree to your request, taking into account our good relations. 考虑到我们之间良好的关系,我们同意你方的要求。动词可作“解释和说明”解。We cannot account for the delay. 我们无法解释延迟的原因。It is difficult to account for this sharp price. 对价格的急剧上升,很难解释。还可作“占”解,指多少数量的百分比。Cotton accounts for 70% of their exports. 棉花占他们出口的百分之七十。4。认为。I account him a good teacher. 我认为他是一位好教师。

第五章: 装运







Please send us by return full instructions for the six cases for Cairo, as

to contents, value, consignee and who pays all the charges.


*consignee: 收货人。


1。名词:费用,常用复数。Extra charges, 额外费用。Handing charges, 经手费

用。Storage charges, 存储费用。Processing charges, 加工费用。在类似下面的一

些句子里,charge用单数. There is no charge for the sample. / The samples

are free of charge. 样品不收费用。Samples will be sent free of charge.样品免

费寄送。If you require individual packing for the gloves, there will be a

charge US$200.00...如果你需要手套按副包装,费用是500美元。

2。动词:记账,收费。Please charge the samples to our account. 请将样品费用

记在我们的帐上。You may charge us the expenses incurred. 所需费用可向我方索

取。We have charged your account the sum of US$500.00.我们记在你方帐上500美






The packages should be forwarded to Singapore for shipment per m.s. “Good

Look” not later than Friday next, and insured for US$2,000.00, F.P.A.


*package, 本为包装。此处指一批货物。


*per m.s. XX,装上某轮。per为装的意思。m.s.是motor ship 摩托轮,机动轮的缩写


*F.P.A.:是free from particular average “不担保单独海损”(即平安险)的缩







Please clear through the customs, making entry in our name, and declaring

weight at 75 tons, value US$600.00.


*clear through the customs, 报关。clear,结清(账目)。customs, 海关。

*declare, 在商务英语中则是“向海关申报”的意思。declare还有一些其它意思和用


off, 废止。Declare oneself, 抒发己见;表现真相。They declared with one

accord that the loan as proposed could not be considered. 他们一致宣称不能考

虑所拟借款。They declared against (for) the decision. 他们宣布反对(赞成)这

个决定。He declared his belief and his opinion. 他宣布他的信仰和意见。He

was declared emperor. 他被宣布为皇帝。We declared him an enemy to

humankind. 我们宣布他为人类仇敌。He was declared an enemy by the people. 他

被人民宣布为敌。The judge declared him guilty. 法官宣布他有罪。Japan

declared war on Russia. 日本对俄宣战。





Enclosed please find an invoice for 100 bales of cotton fabrics which, according to your order of the 6th Oct., we have shipped today in good condition on board the steamer “Sea Bird”, sailing tomorrow. As to the payment for them, please send us a draft payable in this city.


Condition, 名词。1。情况。In good condition, in sound condition, in perfect condition, in bad condition, in poor condition, in a damaged condition, in a moldy condition. 一般来讲,笼统地说好与坏,形容词前面不用不定冠词,如说得具体一些,要加不定冠词。The goods arrived in good condition.货物达到时情况良好。The goods arrived in a moldy condition. 货物达到时已经发霉了。2。形势,环境(用复数)。Under (In) present condition, it would be better to wait and see. 在目前情况下最好等等再说。Conditions are (not) favorable. 情况有(不)利。Conditions are likely to become better (worse).情况可能会好转(恶化)。Buyers have withdrawn from the market on account of change in conditions. 由于情况变化,买主已经推出市场。3。条件。在on condition that (只有在这样的条件下)这一习语中,condition 前面一般不用定冠词,但是如果加上形容词则必须有定冠词。如:on the express condition that ---。They make it a condition that you (should) ship the goods by a fast steamer. 你应将该货用快轮装运,他们以此为条件。Please renew your offer on same condition. 请按照同样条件重新报盘。We accept your offer on (the express) condition that you agree to pack the goods in small cases. 只有你方同意将此货装在小箱内,在这一(明确)条件下,我们才能接受你的报盘。





According to your order of the 30th March, we have sent you, through Foreman Co., 100 bales of cotton, and have enclosed an invoice for same amounting US$7,000.00 which amount please credit to our account.


Enclose, 动词。随函,附在信里。We enclose a copy of our price-list. 随函附上价目表一份。Enclosed is a copy of our price-list.(同上)Enclosed please find a copy of our price-list. (同上)The market report was enclosed with (in) our letter of August 21.

市场报告是附在我方8月21日信函内寄出的。We thank you for your letter of June 15 enclosing a cutting of woolen material. 谢谢贵方6月15日的信,内附呢(绒)料剪样一块。We enclose you a list of quotations. 随函附寄报价单一纸。注意:常在enclose后面加上herewith, 但最好不用,因为意思重复。另外,enclosed 是过去分词,还可以作名词用。如:We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. 我们相信贵方对所附之件会感兴趣。Enclosure, 名词,指附件。We thank you for your letter of April 15 with enclosures. 谢谢你4月15日的来函及附件。
