有关 Dividend 常有一些谬误和混淆,有必要把有关的概念澄清一下:
Four important days regards Dividends
1. Declaration Day (announcement day) This is the day the board directors publicly declare the dividend.
2. Ex-Dividend Day This is the day on or after which a security buyer will not entitled to a previous declared dividend. The Ex-dividend day normally is the 2nd business day prior record day.
3. Record Day This is the day that cooperation (or transfer agent) record share holders if your name in the list, you will get dividend.
4. Payment Day This is the day that actual dividend made.
我们通常在 financials webset 中看到的 Ex-Divident Day 实际上是 Payment day.
当一个股票 ex-dividend 以后,它的NAV就下降了,表现为股票的价格下降。尤其是大额的 Special dividend. 如几年前Microsoft $3/share 的Special dividend. 如当时的股价是 $31, ex-dividend (pay day) 以后就下降到 $28. 因此,share holder 并没有赚到。有没有两全其美的办法? 答案是肯定的。那就是在 Record Day 之前买进 MSFT, 在 Record Day 之后,Payment Day 之前确定你在 share holder list 上,然后卖掉 MSFT. 即使在 Payment Day 当天你已经没有 MSFT,仍然可以获得 $3 的 Dividend. 如果看好 MSFT, 可以在 Payment Day 的当天或第二天再以低价回购 MSFT. 岂不是两全其美的事? 同样的道理可以适用在 mutual fund. 具体的情况要问你的 security institution.