看了有些评论,真觉得好笑。有的说,我都来了n年了,发现美国人都不守时云云。当然送货、上门服务的通常都不守时,如果你也是干这一行的,不守时也没有什么大不了的。如果你在公司上班,尤其是与客户打交道的,你敢不守时,让客户等你?Give me a break.说得极端点,当你去interview时,你敢不守时?也别说,我原来的公司就遇到过,给一位要毕业的学生interview,他老人家迟到了20多分钟,也不打电话说一下,HR问还要不要见,只好不见了,因为下一个人已经来等着了。弄的我这个老中很没面子。
lumao 发表评论于
Its not a good idea
lumao 发表评论于
American from different class, will not follow the same code, see this
你心里有佛,看谁都是佛,你心里装的是牛粪,看什么都是牛粪。-- so true in life ...
孤舟蓑笠翁50 发表评论于
Excellent article for 留学美国 STUDENT – I wish I read something like this some 20+ years ago!!
Maybe you could add appreciativeness to 礼貌与粗俗section. Always appreciate other's work – focus on the POSITIVE! Always take other's advice as a reference – use your head, do not 囫囵吞枣, nothing is 100% applicable to YOU!
I like your article. You are so kind to write an informative article to those people who just came to US and those who have been here for a long time but still do not know abt 入乡随俗!!
mwan is right. I mean, if some of you claim to have been in the States for decades and still are oblivious to these social codes it's probably because you're assholes to begin with lol
真妮说得对不对,我只举一个我亲身经历的事情就一目了然了。我90年来美国在中西部一所大学读MBA学位。该大学在一个小镇上,民风淳朴。当时从美国打往中国的电话费用非常昂贵,整个学校都使用AT&T,每一分钟打到中国差不多要4美元左右。学校为了照顾外国学生(请注意,不是中国学生),和AT&T签了一个协议,就是电话不到一分钟不收费,大概是考虑到一分钟之内不一定能找到人或是分机占线之类的情况。聪明的人大概已经猜到了这个故事的结局:结果是有至少10个以上的中国留学生往国内打电话,不到一分钟就挂断然后再拨。他们以为这样就不用缴任何费用了。正像真妮指出的,美国是一个诚信社会,如果把为你提供的方便拿来滥用,结果是shoot yourself on the foot. 学校当时发了一个名单,占小便宜的都是中国来的,没有一个其他国家的留学生。最多的一个中国留学生需要赔给学校一万多美元。Embarrassing, isn’t it?
写的比较理想化, Everyone has An American inside. 一个正常人对事物的理解就是普通美国人对事物的理解. 这类文章比较适合放到新浪网上去让普通老百姓浏览, 至于大家都出来这么久了, 就发现美国的确是世界上最好的地方, 但也不过如此.
lumao 发表评论于
Have a look at Washington D.C.!!! the reflection in Lincon memoral, the Capital Hill, its sooooooooooooo dirty! all kinds of garbage!!!
mwan 发表评论于
I can't believe so many ppl here don't appreciate those social codes, especially those claim that they have been in the States longer than the author.
mwan 发表评论于
1. ”而美国人在聊天或吃饭时是不接听电话的,他们认为在和别人面对面谈话的中途拿出电话和另一个人寒暄是不礼貌的行为。”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
****Definitely no-no at formal greeting. If during a conversation, usually say sorry before picking up the phone. It is very rude to just leave the other people out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~not everyone。
*****Most will
waitGC 发表评论于
同意, 作者根本就是刚到美国, 一无所知.
mwan 发表评论于
Farmee, how long have you been in U.S. or ever been to?
I have been in U.S. for more than 10 years and worked at several companies for 8 years. What 真妮 said are very true and it is a very good summary. Those civilized ways might look superficial but it is better than the rudeness or coldness you frequently encounter in China...
Talking about 三六九等... you definitely don't want to be in the neighborhood with those who don't respect those protocols or codes.
I have been living in U.S. for more than 10 years and working in a big company for 10 years in a management team. I have to say that what she said IS truely considered as good rules to follow. Yes, there are bad and rude people in U.S. However, shouldn't Chinese students try to be a good citizen? There are manners that are considered very important by the society. There will always be violators but that doesn't mean that it's acceptable by the majority. There will also be exceptions; however, I think it's wise for Chinese students to follow what is considered polite and honest.