When I arrived my hostel was 3pm, sun almost down. I leave my bagage in hallway, and run out to catch up the unforgetable moment.

From my window - the view reminding me Russian painter Levitan. I need Vodka and Accordion.

3:45pm every thing is getting dark, only far away Mountant still gldazzling.

This was my flavour's cnr. to sit, perticular at late afternoon. watch sunset, and sparkle nite lite.(from top of hill can see whole town)

Glacier about 30m above water. It is pushing down from mountant.


The Glacier is 50m behind us. It keep falling down, so boats no allowed be to close.

My hostel is behind me, on top of hill (red house). It was lonely to travel by myself ... anything else I could do. Dancing with wolf.

Winter afternoon sun

A Mexican girl Paloma, tell me where can find Flamingo. I don't understood why those birds didn't fly to north in this season.

Iceing snow make surface quite rough, it wasn't a easy job to skat on ice lake. Anyway trust me, I can skat much better in Macquarie Centre.

Argentine BBQ, and fine wine. They eat everything ... organs too, and no limitd, as long as you could take.

Just can't help. Anyway 8:00am still quite dark, no many peoples on street.
温柔晨练的时候碰到裸奔的二哥哥,温柔看着二哥哥用异样的眼神说: “你不怕影响市容?二哥哥!”
二哥哥无所谓的口吻说: “不怕,早上空气好,溜溜鸟。”
温柔没再理会,在二哥哥回家的路上等着他。二哥哥转回来的时候看见温柔还在那,就调侃温柔道:“ 还等着看鸟呢?”
二哥哥怕了忙阻止温柔: “别,让人家看见不好!”
温柔回敬他:“ 没关系,我晒晒鸟笼子,顺便逮只鸟玩。”
从此, 方哥哥断了遛鸟的爱好。

Sun rise at 9 o'clock morning

Time to leave, I was the last guest in hostel. 3 staff and me had 2 Pizza which we made together. And they play latin music to intertament me.
Hope one day, I can back here again, give them a hug. Feel sad to say good bye, and will never see them in life time again.
I wish that I can meet again all those nice people who I met while I travel.