
女儿今年5岁. 女儿喜欢画画和想象. 记录下她的画和她讲的故事,希望别人看了也一起快乐.如喜欢请留言给她,给她一些鼓励. 谢谢!
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花 女儿 和心 女儿 俩都很漂亮。她们都很喜欢糖果。一天,天上下起了糖果雨,有 紫色的, 有蓝色的,有桔黄色的,有粉红色的,有 绿色的,有黄色的还有红色的糖果雨。糖果雨滴滴嗒嗒就掉到俩女儿的嘴里了。花女儿吃了粉红花的味道, 心 女儿吃到了 桔黄色的味道。她们吃着吃着就很饱了。 然后 她们就开始找东西玩,她们找到两个她们最喜欢的玩具,一架飞机还有一只兔子。她们玩呀玩呀又玩累了。她们就找来找去找东西喝。她们两个喝了桔黄 色的饮料 就睡着了。天上又下起了糖果雨。

In English:

The candy drops are dropping on flower girl's head and on heart's girl's head. They played "Ring around a rosy". Then they drank some pink juice. They played again. The played and played until they felt asleep. The dreamed about they were on the sky and it was night. There were fairies flying in the sky.Suddenly they were attacked by an invisible bad guy.  One of the pink fairies saved them. The waked up and it was morning. They dressed themselves up. They had to go to school. And the candy drops are dropping. What a fun day!
